Unicon documentation migration is in progress. You might find some broken links or experience minor issues in the documentation. We are working on resolving these issues.



Scout Board is a modern and intuitive management solution for eLux end points.The web-based interface allows you convenient secure access to your Scout infrastructure. Many features for managing eLux-devices as well as Windows-based devices that have installed the Scout Agent for Windows are already known from the Scout Console.

You continue to use your existing SQL Server database for Scout. Your entire device infrastructure with device configuration, defined applications and access rights structure can now be used either via the new [Scout Board] interface or via the familiar Scout Console.


Scout Board supports Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Server Express, but not SQL LocalDB.

As part of the [Scout Enterprise Management Suite] installation, the [Scout Board] is published for the first time with the software release of [Scout 15 2209].

The functionality realized so far maps common use cases:

  • Access to devices via OU[1]structure with organization units or via All devices list with filter functions

  • Dynamic Device groups (View only)

  • Custom views allow the administrator to manage dynamic device lists with filters, sorting and columns

  • Search for navigation elements, OUs and devices

  • Details for selected devices, OUs and schedules

  • Schedule and execute commands on OUs and devices

  • Mirror eLux sessions

  • Rename, move, delete devices

  • Download diagnostics files

  • View and edit device configurations and advanced device configurations for devices and OUs

  • Manage settings and preferences

  • Dynamic Device groups

This already provides administrators with a simple and intuitive tool to monitor OUs and devices and provide support to end users. The functionality will be continuously extended and expanded with the following versions.


Logon via Active Directory is supported.
