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Commands for console communication

Closing consoles

Run the program with the following syntax:

scmd -u[ser] Username -p[assword] Password [-d[omain] Domain] -icc-closeconsole [-timeout Seconds] [-displaytime Seconds] [-cancancel](-toall -to DomainUser DomainUser)
Option Description
-user Required for logon to server
-displaytime Inform the console user through a message before the console is closed. If you specify a value >0, the message will be closed after the specified time period.
-cancancel The console user is allowed to cancel the command.
-timeout The closing of the console is delayed by the specified value.
-toall All active consoles are closed.
-to List of console users in the format DomainUser

Sending messages

Run the program with the following syntax:

scmd -u[ser] Username -p[assword] Password [-d[omain] Domain-icc-sendmsg [-validfrom Date Time] [-validto Date Time][-displaytime Seconds] [-cancancel] -msg Message(-toall | -to DomainUser DomainUser)
Option Description
-validto Limits the validity period of the command. Allowed date formats: dd.mm.yy[yy] oder mm-dd-yy[yy]. Allowed time format: hh:mm:ss
-displaytime The message shown in the destination consoles will be closed after the specified time period.
-cancancel The console user is allowed to cancel the command.
-msg Message text. To create a line break, enter n.
-to List of console users in the format DomainUser

Synchronizing console instances against AD

Run the program with the following syntax:

scmd -u[ser] Username -p[assword] Password [-d[omain] Domain] -icc-checkadusers (-deactivate -delete)
Option Description
-deactivate All console instances, which have not been found in the Active Directory, will be deactivated.
-delete All console instances, which have not been found in the Active Directory, will be deleted from the database.
Commands for console communication