Update database connection strings when using SQL Server high availability solutions
Citrix offers several PowerShell scripts that update XenApp and XenDesktop database connection strings when you are using SQL Server high availability database solutions such as Always On and mirroring.
The scripts, which use the XenApp and XenDesktop PowerShell API, are:
- DBConnectionStringFuncs.ps1: The core script that does the actual work. This script contains common functions that the other scripts use.
- Change_XD_Failover_Partner_v1.ps1: Updates (adds, changes, or removes) the failover partner. This script prompts for the failover partner location (FQDN) for each database. (Providing a blank failover partner removes the failover partner. You can also use the ClearPartner option to remove a partner.) Do not set the failover partner to the same location as the principal database server.
- Change_XD_To_ConnectionString.ps1: Uses the provided connection strings to update the connection strings to the databases. This script ensures that certain Citrix services are up and running, and then updates those services in the correct order on all Controllers in the site. Enclose connection string information for each database in quotes.
Change_XD_To_MultiSubnetFailover.ps1: Toggles the addition and removal of MultiSubnetFailover=true. If you use Always On Availability Groups, Microsoft recommends that the connection string includes MultiSubnetFailover=true. This option speeds up recovery when a high availability event occurs, and is recommended for both single and multi–subnet environments. Run this script once to add the option. If you must remove the option, use
to run the script again and provide strings without the setting. -
: Resets all the connection strings on the localhost because something has gone wrong. By resetting the connection strings to null, this script places the Controller into an “initial” state. If you run Studio after running this script, you’ll be asked if you want to create a site or join an existing site. This is useful if something has gone wrong and a reset is needed. After the reset, you can try again to set the connection strings using Change_XD_To_ConnectionString.ps1.
You can also update database connection strings manually; see Update strings manually. To download the PowerShell scripts, see the Procedure section.
This article was written and the scripts were tested on XenDesktop 7.6. This documentation is no longer maintained or tested with later versions of Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops.
Requirements and considerations
- You must be a full site administrator to run the scripts.
- Run the scripts in the PowerShell window of one Controller. PowerShell v3 is required.
- The XenApp and XenDesktop core components must be installed and the Site up and running.
- Before running the scripts, disable mandatory configuration logging.
The MultiSubnetFailover option is supported with .NET 4.5 and later. However, the MMC that Studio uses on Windows 7 or 2008 R2 machines contains an earlier .NET version, so you might see the error “Keyword not supported:
” when you select Configuration in the Studio navigation pane. In such cases, patch or update as follows: - For .NET 3.5 SP1, patch with http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2654347.
- For .NET 4.0, update to minimum 4.0.2. 4.0.3 is recommended: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2600211.
Then, use the Change_XD_To_MultiSubnetFailover.ps1
script to update the database connection strings with this option.
- Download the zip file containing the scripts from Citrix ShareFile.
- Unzip the file.
- Ensure that DBConnectionStringFuncs.ps1 is in the same folder as the script you run, because the script you run uses functions in DBConnectionStringFuncs.ps1.
- Run the script on a Controller.
If you want to set your site to multi–subnet failover, you only need to run the Change_XD_To_MultiSubnetFailover.ps1 script. (Remember: ensure that the DBConnectionStringFuncs.ps1 script is in the same folder.)
- When the connection strings are being updated, it is normal to see a message indicating that “
” is being changed toData Source=SQLxxx\\CITRIX\\...
”. The terms Server and Data Source are synonymous.- If you want to manipulate the connection strings, look at how the
scripts use the functions inDBConnectionStringFuncs.ps1
Update strings manually
To update the strings manually, run the XenApp and XenDesktop PowerShell cmdlets.
Step 1. Move SQL databases to a different SQL server and assign the correct permissions
- Back up the databases on the original SQL server, and restore them on the new SQL server.
- In SQL Management Studio > Security > Logins, add the Delivery Controller computer accounts. For example, CORP\DDC01$.
- When adding the SQL login, on the User Mapping page, click the three Citrix databases: Site database, Monitoring database, and Logging database.
- For each of the three Citrix databases, add the Delivery Controller computer account to the various database roles. The Site database has many more roles than the Logging and Monitoring databases.
Site database - ADIdentitySchema_ROLE
Site database - Analytics_ROLE # for 7.8 and newer
Site database - AppLibrarySchema_ROLE # for 7.8 and newer
Site database - chr_Broker
Site database - chr_Controller
Site database - ConfigLoggingSiteSchema_ROLE
Site database - ConfigurationSchema_ROLE
Site database - DAS_ROLE
Site database - DesktopUpdateManagerSchema_ROLE
Site database - EnvTestServiceSchema_ROLE
Site database - HostingUnitServiceSchema_ROLE
Site database - Monitor_ROLE
Site database - OrchestrationSchema_ROLE # for 7.11 and newer
Site database - public
Site database - StorefrontSchema_ROLE # for 7.8 and newer
Site database - TrustSchema_ROLE # for 7.11 and newer
Monitoring database - Monitor_ROLE
Monitoring database - public
Logging database - ConfigLoggingSchema_ROLE
Logging database - public
Step 2. Retrieve the existing database connections (optional)
Run the following commands to see the existing database connection strings:
## Load the Citrix snap-ins
asnp Citrix.*
## Get the current Delivery Controller database connections
Get-AnalyticsDBConnection # for 7.6 and newer
Get-AppLibDBConnection # for 7.8 and newer
Get-OrchDBConnection # for 7.11 and newer
Get-TrustDBConnection # for 7.11 and newer
Get-MonitorDBConnection -DataStore Monitor
Get-LogDBConnection -DataStore Logging
Step 3. Remove the existing Database connections
On the Delivery Controller, open PowerShell as an administrator and run the following commands. This process clears the existing database connections.
## Note the state of the log site
## Load the Citrix snap-ins
asnp Citrix.*
## Disable configuration logging for the XD site:
Set-LogSite -State Disabled
## Clear the current Delivery Controller database connections
## Note: AdminDBConnection must be the last command
Set-ConfigDBConnection -DBConnection $null -Force
Set-AcctDBConnection -DBConnection $null -Force
Set-AnalyticsDBConnection -DBConnection $null -Force # for 7.6 and newer
Set-AppLibDBConnection -DBConnection $null -Force # for 7.8 and newer
Set-OrchDBConnection -DBConnection $null -Force # for 7.11 and newer
Set-TrustDBConnection -DBConnection $null -Force # for 7.11 and newer
Set-HypDBConnection -DBConnection $null -Force
Set-ProvDBConnection -DBConnection $null -Force
Set-BrokerDBConnection -DBConnection $null
Set-EnvTestDBConnection -DBConnection $null -Force
Set-SfDBConnection -DBConnection $null -Force
Set-MonitorDBConnection -DataStore Monitor -DBConnection $null -Force
Set-MonitorDBConnection -DBConnection $null -Force
Set-LogDBConnection -DataStore Logging -DBConnection $null -Force
Set-LogDBConnection -DBConnection $null -Force
Set-AdminDBConnection -DBConnection $null -Force
If you see an error message, you must restart all the Citrix services.
Get-Service Citrix* | Stop-Service -Force
Get-Service Citrix* | Start-Service
After restarting the Citrix services, if you still see the errors, you must restart the server. Rerun the original set of commands to confirm that the existing connection is properly removed.
The following cmdlets must return an empty output:
## Load the Citrix snap-ins
asnp Citrix.*
## Get the current Delivery Controller database connections
Get-AnalyticsDBConnection # for 7.6 and newer
Get-AppLibDBConnection # for 7.8 and newer
Get-OrchDBConnection # for 7.11 and newer
Get-TrustDBConnection # for 7.11 and newer
Step 4. Specify the new database connection strings
Adjust the variables to match your desired connection string.
- For the Standalone SQL Server Connection String:
Server=SQLServerName; Initial Catalog=DBName; Integrated Security=True
- For the Database Mirroring Connection String:
Server=PrimarySQLServerName; Initial Catalog=DBName; Integrated Security=True; Failover Partner=SecondSQLServer
- For Always on High Availability:
Server=ListenerName; Initial Catalog=XDdb; Integrated Security=True; MultiSubnetFailover=True
Run the following commands to set the new connection strings.
$ServerName = "<dbserver>"
$SiteDBName = "<SiteDbName>"
$LogDBName = "<LoggingDbName>"
$MonitorDBName = "<MonitorDbName>"
$csSite = "Server=$ServerName;Initial Catalog=$SiteDBName;Integrated Security=True"
$csLogging = "Server=$ServerName;Initial Catalog=$LogDBName;Integrated Security=True"
$csMonitoring = "Server=$ServerName;Initial Catalog=$MonitorDBName;Integrated Security=True"
Set-AdminDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite
Set-ConfigDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite
Set-AcctDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite
Set-AnalyticsDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite # for 7.6 and newer
Set-HypDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite
Set-ProvDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite
Set-AppLibDBConnection –DBConnection $csSite # for 7.8 and newer
Set-OrchDBConnection –DBConnection $csSite # for 7.11 and newer
Set-TrustDBConnection –DBConnection $csSite # for 7.11 and newer
Set-BrokerDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite
Set-EnvTestDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite
Set-SfDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite
Set-LogDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite
Set-LogDBConnection -DataStore Logging -DBConnection $null -force
Set-LogDBConnection -DataStore Logging -DBConnection $csLogging
Set-MonitorDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite
Set-MonitorDBConnection -DataStore Monitor -DBConnection $null -force
Set-MonitorDBConnection -DataStore Monitor -DBConnection $csMonitoring
## If necessary, enable configuration logging for the XD site:
Set-LogSite -State Enabled
Verify that all the preceding
commands have returned a result of OK. If the result is other than OK for any of these commands, it might be necessary to enable logging or tracing to determine the cause of the connection failure.The
Set-LogDBConnection -DBConnection $null
andSet-MonitorDBConnection -DBConnection $null
return DBUnconfigured instead of OK.
Step 5. Test the new database connection strings
Run the following commands to verify connectivity to the database.
## Load the Citrix snap-ins asnp citrix.* $ServerName = "<dbserver>" $SiteDBName = "<SiteDbName>" $LogDBName = "<LoggingDbName>" $MonitorDBName = "<MonitorDbName>" $csSite = "Server=$ServerName;Initial Catalog=$SiteDBName;Integrated Security=True" $csLogging = "Server=$ServerName;Initial Catalog=$LogDBName;Integrated Security=True" $csMonitoring = "Server=$ServerName;Initial Catalog=$MonitorDBName;Integrated Security=True" Test-AcctDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite Test-AdminDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite Test-AnalyticsDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite # for 7.6 and newer Test-AppLibDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite # for 7.8 and newer Test-BrokerDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite Test-ConfigDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite Test-EnvTestDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite Test-HypDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite Test-LogDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite Test-LogDBConnection -DataStore Logging -DBConnection $csLogging Test-MonitorDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite Test-MonitorDBConnection -Datastore Monitor -DBConnection $csMonitoring Test-OrchDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite # for 7.11 and newer Test-ProvDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite Test-SfDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite Test-TrustDBConnection -DBConnection $csSite # for 7.11 and newer
Restart Citrix Studio.