Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops

Fixed issues

The following issues have been fixed since Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 2206:

Citrix Provisioning

Citrix Provisioning 2209 documentation provides specific information about the updates in this release.


  • Some applications are limited to a maximum frame rate of 22 frames per second (FPS) instead of the default maximum of 30 FPS. [HDX-42319]

Linux VDA

Linux VDA 2209 documentation provides specific information about the updates in this release.

Machine Creation Services (MCS)

  • In GCP environments, when you update the custom property of a provisioning scheme, the changes do not apply to the newly added machines in a catalog. To resolve this issue, after updating the custom property of a provisioning scheme, create a new updated image for the catalog. [PMCS-27672]

  • In Azure environments, machine catalog creation fails if you select a master image with trusted launch enabled and select Place Image in Azure Shared Image Gallery to place the master image in Azure Compute Gallery (formerly Shared Image Gallery). [PMCS-28930]

  • When you create a catalog with custom properties, and use Set-ProvScheme to change the provisioning scheme without updating the same custom properties as set during catalog creation, the properties that are not mentioned in the Set-ProvScheme are set to their default values. Also, if you set any custom property to its non-default value during catalog creation, it is overwritten to its default value after you run Set-ProvScheme. [PMCS-29858]

Microsoft Teams Optimization

  • App sharing in optimized Microsoft Teams doesn’t work with Local App Access. [HDX-42796]

Profile Management

Profile Management 2209 documentation provides specific information about the updates in this release.

Session Recording

Session Recording 2209 documentation provides specific information about the updates in this release.

VDA for multi-session OS

  • Session Manager terminates session launches when the Group Policy evaluation fails. This is to prevent user access to resources that are restricted through Group Policy. The following user-implemented fix provides a registry toggle for administrators to dismiss the enforcement, which helps end users to connect to sessions even if the Group Policy evaluation fails:


Name: EnforceUserPolicyEvaluationSuccess


Value: 0 (enables the current fix)


System Exceptions

  • VDAs might experience a fatal exception on tdica.sys and display a blue screen with a bug check code, 0x0000007E. [CVADHELP-19862]

Virtual Desktop Components – Other

  • Application group tag restrictions do not work with tags assigned to catalogs. [BRK-11803]