Linux Virtual Delivery Agent

What’s new

What’s new in 2109

Version 2109 of the Linux VDA includes the following new features and enhancements:

Support for HDX screen sharing (experimental)

As an experimental feature, the Linux VDA now lets you share the screen of your virtual desktop with session users on other virtual desktops. The screen sharing feature is disabled by default. For more information, see HDX screen sharing.

Citrix Virtual Channel Software Development Kit (SDK) for the Linux VDA (experimental)

Citrix Virtual Channel SDK for the Linux VDA is now available. With the Virtual Channel SDK, you can write server-side applications to run on the VDA. For more information, see the Citrix Virtual Channel SDK for the Linux VDA documentation.

Citrix Virtual Channel SDK for the Linux VDA is available for download at the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops download page. Expand the appropriate version of Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops and click Components to select the Linux VDA download.

FAS support for VDAs using PBIS

You can now use Federated Authentication Service (FAS) to authenticate users logging on to a Linux VDA that was joined to a Windows domain using PowerBroker Identity Services (PBIS). When you select PBIS while running, enter the host name of the Key Distribution Center (KDC) as prompted by the script. For more information, see Configure Federated Authentication Service.

Linux streaming support for RHEL 8.4, RHEL 7.9, and SUSE 12.5

Using the Linux streaming feature with Citrix Provisioning, you can provision Linux virtual desktops directly in the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops environment. For more information, see Use Citrix Provisioning to create Linux VMs.

Keyboard layout synchronization support for MATE desktop

We have extended the keyboard layout synchronization support to MATE desktop. Anytime the keyboard layout on your client device changes, the layout on your VDA where you installed the MATE desktop environment follows suit. For more information, see Dynamic keyboard layout synchronization.

Session data query utility

We now provide a utility (ctxsdcutil) that you can use to query session data on each Linux VDA. To query the following data of all sessions or a specific session hosted on a VDA, run the /opt/Citrix/VDA/bin/ctxsdcutil -q <all | SessionID> [-c] command. The [-c] argument means to query data every second.

  • Input Session Bandwidth
  • Output Session Bandwidth
  • Output Session Line Speed
  • Latency - Last Recorded
  • Round Trip Time
  • Output ThinWire Bandwidth
  • Output Audio Bandwidth
  • Output Printer Bandwidth
  • Input Drive Bandwidth
  • Output Drive Bandwidth

New Linux session metrics are available

We have added the following metrics for you to track, aggregate, and visualize the performance of your Linux sessions:

  • Logon duration

    Logon duration is a measure of the logon process from the time a user connects from Citrix Workspace app to the time when a session is ready to use. You can view this metric on the Monitor tab of the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service. Monitor is available as the Director console to monitor and troubleshoot Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Current Release and LTSR deployments.

  • Session auto reconnect count

    You can now view the number of auto reconnects in a Linux session through the Trends view of both Citrix Director and Monitor. Auto reconnect is enabled when the Session Reliability or the Auto Client Reconnect policies are in effect. For more information about session reconnections, see Sessions. For more information about policies, see Auto client reconnect policy settings and Session reliability policy settings.

For more information, see Monitor Linux VMs and Linux sessions.

What’s new