Linux Virtual Delivery Agent

Fixed issues in 2203 LTSR CU5

The following issues have been fixed since Linux Virtual Delivery Agent 2203 LTSR CU4:

  • Linux VDA incorrectly reports the TLS/DTLS port number as 443 even when TLS/DTLS is disabled. [CVADHELP-24202]

  • Linux VDA does not sync back to the latest application POS on the client side assuming that the client window is still in a minimize state as the SETPOS command callback notification is received but the previous MINIMISE restore operation callback is not received. [CVADHELP-23824]

  • Screen goes unresponsive if VDA is not in use for 10 to 15 minutes and then need to reconnect/reset the VDA to fix the issue.[CVADHELP-21344]

  • The group policy parser might consume 100% CPU when handling huge group policy sets from a GPF file. [CVADHELP-25323].

Fixed issues in 2203 LTSR CU5

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