Linux Virtual Delivery Agent

Fixed issues in 2402 LTSR CU2

The following issues have been fixed since Linux Virtual Delivery Agent 2402 LTSR CU1:

  • Webcams might not be redirected back to the session when reconnecting to an existing session, occurring on Windows and Linux. [CVADHELP-25770]
  • After upgrading to VDA 2402, users might encounter a grey screen when attempting to reconnect to disconnected sessions on Linux VDAs, requiring a restart or manual logoff to resolve the issue. [CVADHELP-25791]
  • You might find that some new Linux VDAs in your delivery groups are not blocking file transfer, even though policies are applied to all users and groups, while older delivery groups block it correctly. [CVADHELP-26059]
  • When the CTX_EASYINSTALL_PASSWORD environment variable is set, sensitive information is stored in the ctxinstall.log. This information is included in the xdlcollect output, which might pose a security risk. [CVADHELP-26542]
  • You might be unable to reconnect to your existing session, resulting in a pink screen and session termination. [CVADHELP-25937]
  • You might experience an issue after upgrading where the desktop launch shows a grey screen briefly before the session disappears. [CVADHELP-26604]
Fixed issues in 2402 LTSR CU2