Profile Management

What’s new

What’s new in 2407

This release includes the following new features and enhancements. It also addresses several issues that help to improve overall performance and stability.

In-session profile container failover among user stores

By default, when multiple user stores are deployed, profile container failover occurs only at user logon. A new policy, Enable in-session policy container failover among user stores, now expands the failover scope to the entire session, ensuring profile redundancy throughout the session. With this policy enabled, if Profile Management loses connection to the active profile container during a session, it automatically switches to another available one. For more information, see Set up profile containers.

Support for OneNote cache synchronization

With Citrix Profile Management enabled, OneNote cache folders can now roam with users. Therefore, a user can access the same OneNote cache data from different devices.

Registry exclusion and inclusion support extended to container-based profile solution

The existing registry exclusion and inclusion policies now apply to the container-based profile solution. With those policies, you can specify registry keys in the HKCU hive that Profile Management excludes from syncing to profile containers during user logoff. For more information, see Include and exclude items.

Enhancements to Folder Redirection policies

We’ve improved Folder Redirection policies with two enhancements for greater configuration flexibility:

  • Redirect to the local user profile location. We’ve introduced a new option that enables you to redirect folders to the local user profile location. Previously, to disable a folder redirection, you had to set the corresponding Folder Redirection policy to either Not Configured or Disabled. With this new option, you can now achieve the same goal of disabling folder redirection while keeping the policy Enabled.
  • Disable moving contents to new location. By default, when you modify redirection paths, Profile Management automatically moves contents from the previous path to the new one. With this new option, you can now disable content moving.

For more information, see Configure folder redirection.

Windows event for calculating logon duration

Profile Management introduces a new Window event (event ID: 5009) for calculating logon duration. With this event, you can now receive a clear indication when the desktop window becomes visible, a crucial endpoint for logon completion. For more information, see List of events.

User store sync enhancement

Previously, during fault recovery for a replicated user store, Profile Management copied user profiles from a functioning user store to the failed one during user logon. This behavior often strained file servers and storage during peak hours, leading to potential delays in user logon times. With this enhancement, synchronization is now delayed until after user logon, ensuring a more efficient and streamlined process.

Enhanced profile reset for the container-based solution

When resetting container-based profiles, Profile Management now not only restores policy settings to defaults but also preserves user data. With this enhancement, you can reset container-based profiles without the risk of losing user data. For more information about resetting user profiles, see this article.

Health check enhancements

To precisely describe Profile Management status, we’ve introduced new result types for the Profile Management health check tool:

  • Invalid: Indicates Profile Management is either not found or not enabled.
  • Error: Indicates configuration issues in Profile Management.
  • Warning: Identifies a suboptimal state of Profile Management.
  • Notice: Identities an acceptable state of Profile Management.
  • Good: Identities Profile Management is in a healthy state.

With this enhancement, you can now gain a clearer and more detailed insight into the status of Profile Management through Workspace Environment Management.

Ability to collect insights on VHD compaction actions

Profile Management can now collect statistical data on VHD compaction actions and provide it to Workspace Environment Management (WEM) for insightful reporting. With the reports generated in WEM, you can gain insights into the VHD compaction actions.

Examples of the collected data include disk path, container type, start and end times, size before and after compaction, and trigger type.

Enhanced user profile monitoring

The Profile Management plug-in can now gather performance metrics from Profile Management and FSLogix. This enhancement enables Citrix Director to deliver comprehensive profile usage and performance data in user session reports, empowering you to identify and resolve issues more efficiently.

What’s new