
Google Chrome Metrics

Google Chrome

uberAgent collects performance data per Chrome process type like Browser (main process) or GPU (graphics acceleration).


  • Source type: uberAgent:Application:BrowserPerformanceChrome
  • Used in dashboards: Browser Performance: Chrome, Analyse data over time
  • Enabled through configuration setting: BrowserPerformanceChrome
  • Related configuration settings: n/a
  • Supported platform: Windows

List of Fields in the Raw Agent Data

Field Description Data type Unit Example
ProcUser User who ran the process. String   Domain\JohnDoe
ProcType Process type. Possible values: Browser, Extension, Flash, GPU, Java, Tab. String   Tab
CPUTimeMs Consumed CPU time. Number ms 11859
CPUPercent Consumed CPU performance. Number   5.05
IOPS I/O operations per second. Number   2000
IOCount Count of I/O operations. Number   500
IOMB Amount of data I/O operation volume. Number MB 200
IOLatencyMs I/O operation duration divided by count of I/O operations. Number ms 1.20
WorkingSetMB Consumed RAM. Number MB 68.08
NetKBPS Generated network traffic. Number KB 19.06
Browser Browser ID. Possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Also see the field BrowserProcName below. Number   1

List of Calculated Fields

Field Description Data type Unit Example Where available
User User who ran the process. String   Domain\JohnDoe Splunk data model
CPUTimeS Consumed CPU time. Number s 11.859 Splunk data model
IOMBPS Amount of data I/O operation volume per second. Number MB 2 Splunk data model
IODurationMs I/O operation duration. Number ms 600 Splunk data model
BrowserProcName Browser process name. Possible values chrome.exe, iexplore.exe, firefox.exe, msedge.exe, citrixenterprisebrowser.exe String   citrixenterprisebrowser.exe Splunk data model, Splunk SPL
Google Chrome Metrics