
Network Event Properties

The following event properties can be used with network events in uAQL queries (event type Net.*). In addition to the properties listed here, the common properties are applicable, too.

Property name uAQL Data Type Description Platform
Net.Target.Ip String The network target’s IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) all
Net.Target.IpIsV6 Boolean Indicates whether the network target’s IP address is IPv6 (true) or not (false). all
Net.Target.Name String The network target’s name. This is only available if it can be resolved from the local DNS cache. all
Net.Target.Port Integer The network target’s port all
Net.Target.PortName String A textual representation of the network target port, e.g: https all
Net.Target.Protocol String Either TCP or UDP all
Net.Source.Ip String The network source IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) all
Net.Source.IpIsV6 Boolean Indicates whether the network source IP address is IPv6 (true) or not (false). all
Net.Source.Name String The network source name. This is only available if it can be resolved from the local DNS cache. all
Net.Source.Port Integer The network source port all
Net.Source.PortName String A textual representation of the network source port, e.g: https all
Network Event Properties