
Installing and Configuring Elasticsearch & Kibana

This document explains how to install and configure Elasticsearch/Kibana for uberAgent (in this simple tutorial, we assume that you only have a single node with Elasticsearch and Kibana).


Follow Elastic’s installation guide to install Elasticsearch.

Configuration for uberAgent

Elasticsearch 6.x

Elasticsearch 6 is only supported by uberAgent version 6.2 and lower. Run the following PowerShell command on the Elasticsearch server to create an index template for uberAgent with the required field definitions:

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://localhost:9200/_template/uberagent -Method Put -InFile .\elasticsearch-uberagent.json -ContentType "Application/json"

On Linux use: curl -XPUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:9200/_template/uberagent -d@elasticsearch-uberagent.json The file elasticsearch-uberagent.json is part of the uberAgent download package.

If you enabled X-Pack security, you need to pass the elastic user (configured during the setup) for the commands above. On Windows use the -Credential parameter, for Linux -u.

Elasticsearch 7.7 And Lower

Elasticsearch 7.7 and lower are only supported by uberAgent version 6.2 and lower. Run the following PowerShell command on the Elasticsearch server to create an index template for uberAgent with the required field definitions:

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://localhost:9200/_template/uberagent?include_type_name=true -Method Put -InFile .\elasticsearch-uberagent.json -ContentType "Application/json"

On Linux use: curl -XPUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:9200/_template/uberagent?include_type_name=true -d@elasticsearch-uberagent.json The file elasticsearch-uberagent.json is part of the uberAgent download package.

If you enabled X-Pack security, you need to pass the elastic user (configured during the setup) for the commands above. On Windows use the -Credential parameter, for Linux -u.

Elasticsearch 7.8 And Higher (Including 8.x)

Elasticsearch 7.8 and higher as well as 8.x are only supported by uberAgent version 6.3 and higher. Run the following PowerShell command on the Elasticsearch server to create an index template for uberAgent with the required field definitions:

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://localhost:9200/_index_template/uberagent -Method Put -InFile .\elasticsearch-uberagent.json -ContentType "Application/json"

On Linux use: curl -XPUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:9200/_index_template/uberagent -d@elasticsearch-uberagent.json

The file elasticsearch-uberagent.json is part of the uberAgent download package.

If you enabled X-Pack security, you need to pass the elastic user (configured during the setup) for the commands above. X-Pack security is enabled by default since Elasticsearch 8. On Windows use the -Credential parameter, for Linux -u.

If you want to use an Elasticsearch data stream instead of a classic index, add "data_stream": {}, to the file elasticsearch-uberagent.json. Example:

{ "priority": 100, "index_patterns": [ "uberagent*" ], "data_stream": {}, "template": { "mappings": { "dynamic": "strict", "properties": { "@timestamp" : {"type" : "date"} } } } }


Follow Elastic’s installation guide to install Kibana


uberAgent only comes with Splunk dashboards. Nevertheless, there is a way to visualize uberAgent data in Elasticsearch using XOAP’s Kibana dashboard package. XOAP’s GitHub repository has 60+ dashboards that visualize a large part of the data set collected by uberAgent.

Install uberAgent

Read on about how to install uberAgent.

To configure uberAgent to send data to Elasticsearch, a configuration section similar to the following is required:

[Receiver] Name = Default Type = Elasticsearch Protocol = HTTP Servers = http://servername:9200 # The setting RESTToken is required if X-Pack security is enabled. It is enabled by default since Elasticsearch version 8. RESTToken = username:password
Installing and Configuring Elasticsearch & Kibana