
Testing the Azure AD (Entra ID) Join Status

This article shows how to test each endpoint’s Azure AD (aka Entra ID) join status. The output can easily be used in Splunk reports and dashboards.

Machines do not always register smoothly with Azure AD. This is especially true for customers with non-persistent virtual desktops, as these types of machines must re-register with Azure AD each time they start. The script presented in this guide helps with troubleshooting by making the registration state available in Splunk.

Note: The script(s) listed in this guide are managed in vast limits’ public GitHub repository.

Collecting AAD Join Status With PowerShell From Dsregcmd

Data Source: Dsregcmd.exe

When run with the parameter Status, Dsregcmd’s outputs a lot of information. Below is the output cropped to the data we are interested in:

+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Device State | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ AzureAdJoined : YES EnterpriseJoined : NO DomainJoined : NO Virtual Desktop : NOT SET Device Name : MACHINE1 ...

Converting Dsregcmd’s Output to a Key-Value String

We’ll use the following PowerShell script to execute Dregcmd and convert its output to the KV string format required by uberAgent custom scripts:

function Test-AzureAdJoined { $output = & dsregcmd /status # Check if the output contains "AzureAdJoined : YES" return $output -match "AzureAdJoined\s+:\s+YES" } $AzureAdJoined = 0 $joinedToAzureAd = Test-AzureAdJoined if ($joinedToAzureAd) { $AzureAdJoined = 1 } # Build the output hash $Output = @{ 'AzureAdJoined' = $AzureAdJoined } # Finally, write the hash to stdout. The output will be picked up by uberAgent. Write-Output $($Output.Keys.ForEach({"$_=$($Output.$_)"}) -join ' ')

The script’s output looks like this:


Configuring uberAgent to Run the Script

Deploy the script to a directory on your endpoints. In this example, we’re storing it in C:\Program Files\vast limits\uberAgent\scripts as Get-AzureAdJoinStatus.ps1.

Create a new timer in uberAgent’s configuration. With the settings shown below, the script is executed one hour after uberAgent is started to give the registration process enough time, and then once every 24 hours.

[Timer] Name = AzureAdJoinStatus Interval = 86400000 Start delay = 3600000 Persist interval = true Script = powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file "C:\Program Files\vast limits\uberAgent\Scripts\Get-AzureAdJoinStatus.ps1" ScriptContext = Session0AsSystem

Restart the agent to start collecting data.

Splunk It

Once the data is in Splunk, you can list the incoming event data as follows:

index=uberagent sourcetype="uberAgent:Script:AzureAdJoinStatus"

To generate a report, use a Splunk search like the following:

index=uberagent sourcetype="uberAgent:Script:AzureAdJoinStatus" | stats latest(AzureAdJoined) as AzureAdJoined by host | eval "Is joined to AAD" = if(AzureAdJoined == 1, "True", "False") | fields - AzureAdJoined | sort host

The above Splunk search creates a table with the latest AAD join status per endpoint (host in Splunk terminology):


Testing the Azure AD (Entra ID) Join Status