
Config File Syntax

uberAgent’s configuration file supports several advanced syntax features.



PATH_REGEX stands for a regex in which environment variables can be used. It is matched against a file system path. The following rules apply:

  • Environment variables (enclosed in percent signs, e.g., %ProgramFiles%) are expanded first, regex matching happens second.
  • Paths are specified as regular expressions.
  • Backslashes must be escaped by prepending a second backslash.
  • Matching is case-insensitive.
  • Specifying only the file name without the full path works but is not recommended.



Due to macOS security policies, environment variables for daemons must be declared within the daemon’s property list file. As future macOS releases will mandate that the plist resides within the application bundle, enforcing code signature integrity through directory hash validation, any post-installation modification to the plist, such as dynamic environment variable expansion, would disrupt the code signature, rendering the daemon inoperable. Consequently, support for environment variable expansion under macOS is not supported.

Agents on All Operating Systems


A @ConfigInclude directive includes another configuration file. The other file is identified by name (without path) and must reside in the same directory as the configuration file including it. The additional platform parameter may be used to conditionally include a file on the selected platform (Windows or macOS). Platform matching is case-insensitive.


#Include on all platforms @ConfigInclude other-file.conf
# Include on Windows only @ConfigInclude windows-specific.conf platform=Windows


PROCESS_NAME_REGEX stands for a regex that is matched against a process name. The following rules apply:

  • Backslashes must be escaped by prepending a second backslash.
  • Matching is case-insensitive.
  • Only the file name is used for matching, not the full path.


URL_REGEX stands for a regex that is matched against a URL. The following rules apply:

  • Backslashes must be escaped by prepending a second backslash.
  • Matching is case-sensitive.

Format of the URLs matched against URL_REGEX:

  • Origin and path (without query segment), e.g.: https://uberagent.com/download/
  • Port numbers are stripped from the URL if they match the default port number.


All configuration stanzas can optionally be limited to a specific platform using the platform= attribute.

  • The platform is either Windows or macOS
  • Stanzas without platform= are active on all supported platforms.


[Timer platform=Windows] ... [Timer platform=macOS] ...

Change configured setting values dynamically with uAQL

Some configuration settings are changeable using prefixed uAQL queries. This allows use cases where configuration values depend on environment variables, registry values or require string prefixes/suffixes. For now, the following configuration settings are changeable:


  • RESTToken
  • TLSClientCertificate
  • ElasticIngestPipeline
  • Index
  • Host
  • Source
  • PersistentOutputQueuePathWindows
  • PersistentOutputQueuePathMacOS
  • KafkaTopicName

Consider the following example to configure a prefix string in any KafkaTopicName setting.

KafkaTopicName = uaql(set(KafkaTopicName, concat('vastlimits_', KafkaTopicName)))
Config File Syntax