
Citrix Applications Are Still Displayed with Old Name After Renaming

After renaming published applications in Citrix Studio, they still show up with the old name in uberAgent’s dashboards.

uberAgent reads information for user’s published applications from the registry from the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\Ica\Session\.

Registry value uberAgent field
PublishedName SessionPublishedName
AppNames SessionPublishedAppsCtx

When you look at a published application with Get-BrokerApplication via PowerShell you can identify multiple application name fields.

  • ApplicationName
  • BrowserName
  • Name
  • PublishedName

Citrix writes the application’s BrowserName to the registry. But, this property does not get altered when changing the application’s name through Studio. You can change the BrowserName property with PowerShell: Get-BrokerApplication -Name SomeName | Set-BrokerApplication -BrowserName NewBrowserName

After setting the BrowserName correctly, published applications will show up with the new name in uberAgent’s dashboards.

Citrix Applications Are Still Displayed with Old Name After Renaming