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Mirroring client screen

To launch a mirror session, the administrator performs a Mirror… command on the client (for Scout Agent for Windows 1.3 and later versions).

When you establish a mirror session, all security options apply that have been set in the Scout Console for that OU:

  • Password for mirror session
  • Read access only
  • User must confirm
  • Encrypt mirror session
  • Allow Scout only
  • Logoff after disconnect

During the mirror session, a system message is shown on the client device which remains in the foreground but can be moved by the user. The system message provides an Abort button that allows the user to stop mirroring at any time and to grant only read access to the administrator.

Mirror session system message

For further information, see Mirroring devices in the Scout guide.


If the User must confim option is active, the first attempt to connect is refused. Reconnecting a second time does work.

Mirroring client screen