Workspace Environment Management

View log files

You can collect and view logs related to Workspace Environment Management (WEM). You use the logs to troubleshoot issues on your own or provide the logs when you contact Citrix Technical Support for assistance. You can collect logs related to:

You can collect logs related to the WEM agent. Logs that you can collect on machines where the WEM agent is installed include:

  • WEM agent logs

    • Citrix WEM Agent Init.log. The initialization log that lets you troubleshoot issues with the agent in CMD or UI mode. The log is created on logon or on refresh. If the agent fails to start, view this log file for error details. Errors appear as exceptions. By default, this log file is created in the user’s profile folder (%userprofile%).

    • Citrix WEM Agent.log. The primary log that lets you troubleshoot issues with the agent in CMD or UI mode. The log lists what instructions the agent processed. If an action fails to be assigned to the current user, view this log file for error details. Errors appear as exceptions. By default, this log file is created in the user’s profile folder (%userprofile%). To change the default, go to Administration Console > Advanced Settings > Configuration > Agent Options and then configure the Enable Agent Logging setting. To view more details, enable Debug Mode on the Agent Options tab. Alternatively, you can enable logging by configuring the following registry key:

      Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Norskale\Agent Host

      Name: AgentDebugModeLocalOverride

      Type: DWORD

      Value: 0

      Set the value to 1 to enable the log file and 0 to disable it. For the changes to take effect, restart the Citrix WEM Agent Host Service. By default, logging is disabled.


      Editing the registry incorrectly can cause serious problems that might require you to reinstall your operating system. Citrix cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk. Be sure to back up the registry before you edit it.

    • Citrix WEM Agent Host Service Debug.log. The log that lets you troubleshoot issues with the Citrix WEM Agent Host Service. By default, this log file is located in %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Citrix\Workspace Environment Management Agent. To enable logging, be sure to enable Debug Mode for the relevant configuration set on the Administration Console > Advanced Settings > Configuration > Service Options tab. Alternatively, you can enable logging by configuring the following registry key:

      Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Norskale\Agent Host

      Name: AgentServiceDebugModeLocalOverride

      Type: DWORD

      Value: 0

      Set the value to 1 to enable the log file and 0 to disable it. For the changes to take effect, restart the Citrix WEM Agent Host Service. By default, logging is disabled.


      Editing the registry incorrectly can cause serious problems that might require you to reinstall your operating system. Citrix cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk. Be sure to back up the registry before you edit it.

  • Windows event logs. Information written to the Windows Event Log. View logs in the Event Viewer > Applications and Services Logs > WEM Agent Service pane.

  • Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) traces. Logs that are helpful when you encounter issues related to communications between the WEM agent and the WEM infrastructure service. To enable logging, you must enable WCF tracing. For more information, see Windows Communication Foundation traces.

You can collect logs related to the WEM infrastructure service. Logs that you can collect on machines where the WEM infrastructure service is installed include:

  • Windows event logs. Information written to the Windows Event Log. View logs in the Event Viewer > Applications and Services Logs > WEM Infrastructure Service pane.

  • Citrix WEM Infrastructure Service Debug.log. The log that lets you troubleshoot issues with the Citrix WEM infrastructure service (Norskale Broker Service.exe). By default, this log file is located in %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Citrix\Workspace Environment Management Infrastructure Services. To enable this log file, follow these steps to enable debug mode:

    1. Open the WEM Infrastructure Service Configuration Utility from the Start menu.
    2. On the Advanced Settings tab, select Enable debug mode.
    3. Click Save Configuration and click Yes to start the service to apply the change.
    4. Close the WEM Infrastructure Service Configuration Utility window.
  • WCF traces. Logs that are helpful when you encounter communication issues related to the WEM infrastructure service. To enable logging, you must enable WCF tracing. For more information, see Windows Communication Foundation traces.

You can collect logs related to the WEM administration console. Logs that you can collect on machines where the administration console is installed include:

  • Citrix WEM Console Trace.log. The log that lets you troubleshoot issues with the WEM administration console. By default, this log file is created in the user’s profile folder (%userprofile%). To enable logging, follow these steps to enable debug mode:

    1. Open the WEM Administration Console from the Start menu and click Connect.
    2. In the New Infrastructure Server Connection window, check the information and then click Connect.
    3. On the About tab, click Options and select Enable Debug Mode.
    4. Click Apply to apply the change.
  • WCF traces. Logs that are helpful when you encounter issues related to communications between the WEM administration console and the WEM database. To enable logging, you must enable WCF tracing. For more information, see Windows Communication Foundation traces.

You can collect logs related to the WEM database. Logs are created when you use the WEM database management utility to create or upgrade a database. View the following log file for details:

  • Citrix WEM Database Management Utility Debug Log.log. The log that lets you troubleshoot issues with the WEM database. This log file is created by default and is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Workspace Environment Management Infrastructure Services.

You can collect logs related to the WEM web console. Logs are created when you use the WEM web console configuration utility to configure the web console. Additionally, logs are created when the web console service is running. For more details, see the following log files:

  • Web Console Configuration Utility.log. The log that lets you troubleshoot issues with the WEM web console configuration utility. This log file is created by default and is located in C:\ProgramData.

  • Citrix WEM Public API.log. The log that lets you troubleshoot issues with the WEM web console service. When you configure the web console service using the Web console configuration utility to enable logging, ensure to enable the Enable console logging option. This log file is located in C:\ProgramData.

Windows Communication Foundation traces

You can view Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) traces to help you troubleshoot the following issues:

Troubleshoot communications between the agent and the infrastructure service

If the WEM agent does not communicate properly with the WEM infrastructure service, you can view WCF traces of the VUEMUIAgent.exe service. Follow these steps to enable WCF tracing:

  1. Log on to the WEM agent machine.
  2. Right-click the agent icon in the taskbar and then select Exit to close the agent.
  3. Locate the VUEMUIAgent.exe.config file in %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Citrix\Workspace Environment Management Agent and then create a backup copy of the file.
  4. Open the file in Notepad or WordPad and insert the following snippet into the section between the <configuration> and the </configSections> marker.
  5. Save the file.

    <system.diagnostics> <sources> <source name="System.ServiceModel" switchValue="Information, ActivityTracing" propagateActivity="true"> <listeners> <add name="traceListener" type="System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener" initializeData= "c:\trace\vuemUIAgent-Traces.svclog" /> </listeners> </source> </sources> </system.diagnostics>
  6. On the agent machine, create a root folder called “Trace” on the C drive (C:\Trace). Skip this step if the folder already exists.
  7. Reproduce the issue you encountered and then end the VUEMUIAgent.exe process.
  8. View the log file named vuemUIAgent-Traces.svclog in C:\Trace.

You can also view WCF traces of the Citrix.Wem.Agent.Service.exe service. Follow these steps:

  1. Log on to the WEM agent machine.
  2. Right-click the agent icon in the taskbar and then select Exit to close the agent.
  3. End the Citrix WEM Agent Host Service.
  4. Locate the Citrix.Wem.Agent.Service.exe.config file in %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Citrix\Workspace Environment Management Agent and then create a backup copy of the file.
  5. Open the file in Notepad or WordPad and insert the following snippet into the file, starting on the fourth line right after the </configSections> marker.
  6. Save the file.

    <system.diagnostics> <sources> <source name="System.ServiceModel" switchValue="Information, ActivityTracing" propagateActivity="true"> <listeners> <add name="traceListener" type="System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener" initializeData= "c:\trace\NorskaleAgentHostService-Traces.svclog" /> </listeners> </source> </sources> </system.diagnostics>
  7. On the agent machine, create a root folder called “Trace” on the C drive (C:\Trace). Skip this step if the folder already exists.
  8. Start the Windows service called Citrix WEM Agent Host Service and then reproduce the issue you encountered.
  9. View the log file named NorskaleAgentHostService-Traces.svclog in C:\Trace.

If you encounter communication issues related to the WEM infrastructure service, you can view WCF traces of the Norskale Broker Service. Follow these steps to enable WCF tracing:

  1. Log on to the machine where the WEM infrastructure service is installed.
  2. End the Citrix WEM Infrastructure Service.
  3. Locate the Norskale Broker Service.exe.config file in %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Citrix\Workspace Environment Management Infrastructure Services and then create a backup copy of the file.
  4. Open the file in Notepad or WordPad and insert the following snippet into the file, starting on the third line right after the <configuration> marker.

    <system.diagnostics> <sources> <source name="System.ServiceModel" switchValue="Information, ActivityTracing" propagateActivity="true"> <listeners> <add name="traceListener" type="System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener" initializeData= "c:\trace\NorskaleInfrastructureBrokerService-Traces.svclog" /> </listeners> </source> </sources> </system.diagnostics>
  5. Save the file.
  6. On the WEM infrastructure service machine, create a root folder called “Trace” on the C drive (C:\Trace). Skip this step if the folder already exists.
  7. Start the Citrix WEM Infrastructure Service and then reproduce the issue you encountered.
  8. View the log file named NorskaleInfrastructureBrokerService-Traces.svclog in C:\Trace.

Troubleshoot communications between the WEM administration console and the WEM database

If you encounter issues related to communications between WEM administration console and the WEM database, you can view WCF traces of Norskale Administration Console.exe service. Follow these steps to enable WCF tracing:

  1. Log on to the WEM administration console machine.
  2. Close the WEM administration console.
  3. Locate the Norskale Administration Console.exe.config file in %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Citrix\Workspace Environment Management Administration Console and then create a backup copy of the file.
  4. Open the file in Notepad or WordPad and add the following snippet into the file, starting on the third line right after the <configuration> marker.

    <system.diagnostics> <sources> <source name="System.ServiceModel" switchValue="Information, ActivityTracing" propagateActivity="true"> <listeners> <add name="traceListener" type="System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener" initializeData= "c:\trace\WEMConsole-Traces.svclog" /> </listeners> </source> </sources> </system.diagnostics>
  5. Save the file.
  6. On the administration console machine, create a root folder called “Trace” on the C drive (C:\Trace). Skip this step if the folder already exists.
  7. Open the WEM administration console and then reproduce the issue you encountered.
  8. View the log file named WEMConsole-Traces.svclog in C:\Trace.