Linux Virtual Delivery Agent

Create a Python3 virtual environment

If you are connecting to the network, running the sudo /opt/Citrix/VDA/bin/xdping or /opt/Citrix/VDA/sbin/ command can create a Python3 virtual environment. However, if the commands fail to create a Python3 virtual environment, you can create it manually even without a network connection. This article details the prerequisites and steps to create a Python3 virtual environment without a network connection.


  • You must have administrative privileges to access the /opt/Citrix/VDA/sbin/ctxpython3 directory.
  • The wheel files of Python3 packages are in place. You can download the wheel files from

Create a Python3 virtual environment

Complete the following steps to create a Python3 virtual environment:

  1. Install Python3 dependencies.

    For RHEL:

    yum -y install python36-devel krb5-devel gcc


    You might have to enable a particular repository to install some dependencies. For RHEL 7, run the subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-optional-rpms command. For RHEL 8, run the subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms command.

    For Ubuntu, Debian:

    apt-get -y install python3-dev python3-pip python3-venv libkrb5-dev

    For SUSE:

    zypper -i -n install python3-devel python3-setuptools krb5-devel gcc libffi48-devel


    You might have to enable the SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Software_Development_Kit_12_SP5_x86_64 repository to install some dependencies.

  2. Create a Python3 virtual environment.


    To address SSL connection errors that you might encounter when using the pip tool, consider adding the following trusted hosts to the /etc/pip.conf file:
    trusted-host =

    For RHEL, Ubuntu, Debian:

    sudo python3 -m venv /opt/Citrix/VDA/sbin/ctxpython3

    For SUSE:

    sudo python3 -m venv /opt/Citrix/VDA/sbin/ctxpython3 sudo /opt/Citrix/VDA/sbin/ctxpython3/bin/python3 -m pip install setuptools==40.6.2
  3. Install LDAPS dependencies.

    For RHEL, Ubuntu, Debian:

    sudo /opt/Citrix/VDA/sbin/ctxpython3/bin/python3 -m pip install cffi == 1.14.2 cryptography == 3.1 decorator == 4.4.2 gssapi==1.6.2 ldap3==2.8.1 netifaces == 0.10.9 pg8000 == 1.17.0 psutil == 5.8.0 pyasn1 == 0.4.8 pycparser == 2.20 scramp == 1.2.0 six == 1.15.0 termcolor == 1.1.0

    For SUSE:

    sudo /opt/Citrix/VDA/sbin/ctxpython3/bin/python3 -m easy_install cffi == 1.14.2 cryptography == 3.1 decorator == 4.4.2 gssapi==1.6.2 ldap3==2.8.1 netifaces == 0.10.9 pg8000 == 1.17.0 psutil == 5.8.0 pyasn1 == 0.4.8 pycparser == 2.20 scramp == 1.2.0 six == 1.15.0 termcolor == 1.1.0
  4. Install XDPing dependencies.

    For RHEL, Ubuntu, Debian:

    sudo /opt/Citrix/VDA/sbin/ctxpython3/bin/python3 -m pip install cffi == 1.14.2 cryptography == 3.1 decorator == 4.4.2 gssapi==1.6.2 ldap3==2.8.1 netifaces == 0.10.9 pg8000 == 1.17.0 psutil == 5.8.0 pyasn1 == 0.4.8 pycparser == 2.20 scramp == 1.2.0 six == 1.15.0 termcolor == 1.1.0 sudo /opt/Citrix/VDA/sbin/ctxpython3/bin/python3 -m pip install /opt/Citrix/VDA/sbin/ctxpython3/packages/xdping-*.whl

    For SUSE:

    sudo /opt/Citrix/VDA/sbin/ctxpython3/bin/python3 -m easy_install cffi == 1.14.2 cryptography == 3.1 decorator == 4.4.2 gssapi==1.6.2 ldap3==2.8.1 netifaces == 0.10.9 pg8000 == 1.17.0 psutil == 5.8.0 pyasn1 == 0.4.8 pycparser == 2.20 scramp == 1.2.0 six == 1.15.0 termcolor == 1.1.0 sudo /opt/Citrix/VDA/sbin/ctxpython3/bin/python3 -m easy_install /opt/Citrix/VDA/sbin/ctxpython3/packages/xdping-*.whl
Create a Python3 virtual environment