Linux Virtual Delivery Agent

HDX screen sharing


The Linux VDA lets you share the screen of your virtual desktop with session users on other virtual desktops.

The following example walks you through the procedure of sharing a screen and viewing some else’s screen.

To share a screen:

  1. In the notification area of your virtual desktop, click the screen sharing icon and select Share my screen.

    Select the Share my screen menu

  2. Click Copy and Close.

    The current screen sharing code persists until you stop and restart sharing your screen.

    Copy the connection code


    While you are sharing your screen, there is a red border around it, indicating that sharing is in progress.

  3. Share the copied code with session users on other virtual desktops that you want to share your screen with.

  4. To let a viewer control your screen, select Give control and then the viewer’s name. To stop giving control, clear the viewer’s name.

    Give control

  5. To stop sharing your screen, select Stop sharing my screen.

    Select the Stop sharing my screen menu

To view someone else’s screen:

  1. In the notification area of your virtual desktop, click the screen sharing icon and select View someone else’s screen.

    Select the View someone else's screen menu

  2. Enter the connection code of the screen you want to view and then click Connect.

    Enter the connection code

  3. Wait for the screen sharer to accept your request. For example:

    Accept or deny screen sharing


    • On the sharer side, the Linux system issues a notification of your request.
    • If the sharer does not accept your request within 30 seconds, your request expires and a prompt appears.
  4. After the screen sharer accepts your request by clicking OK, the shared screen appears in your Desktop Viewer. You are connected as a viewer with an automatically assigned user name.

    View a shared screen

  5. To request control over the shared screen, click the mouse icon in the upper left corner.


    • If the sharer does not accept your request within 30 seconds, your request expires.
    • Only one viewer is allowed to control a shared screen at a time.

    Click the mouse icon again to release control over the shared screen.

    Release control over a shared screen

  6. To disable display scaling or scale to the window size, click the icon next to the mouse icon.

    Window scaling


The screen sharing feature is disabled by default. To enable it, complete the following settings:

  1. Enable the graphics status indicator policy in Citrix Studio.
  2. For Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 2112 and later, enable the ScreenSharing policy in Citrix Studio.

  3. (Optional) For Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 2109 and earlier, enable screen sharing on the Linux VDA by running the following command:

    sudo /opt/Citrix/VDA/bin/ctxreg update -k "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Citrix\Thinwire" -v "EnableScreenSharing" -d "0x00000001"
  4. Allow ports 52525–52625 in your firewall.
  5. (Optional) If you are using RHEL 8.x or SUSE 15.x installed with GNOME, install a compatible extension for your GNOME shell to enable AppIndicator support:

    1. Run the gnome-shell --version command to check your GNOME shell version.

    2. Download a compatible extension for your GNOME shell from For example, if your shell version is 3.28, you can select 24 or 26 for the extension version.

      GNOME shell extension

    3. Untar the downloaded package. Verify that the “uuid” value in the metadata.json file in the package is set to

    4. Run the mv command to move the directory to the location under /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/.

    5. Run the chmod a+r metadata.json command to make the metadata.json file readable to other users.


      By default, the metadata.json file in the directory is readable only to the root user. To support screen sharing, make the metadata.json file readable to other users as well.

    6. Install GNOME Tweaks.

    7. In the desktop environment, reload your GNOME shell by pressing the Alt+F2, r, and Enter keys in sequence or by running the killall -SIGQUIT gnome-shell command.

    8. In the desktop environment, run GNOME Tweaks and then enable KStatusNotifierItem/AppIndicator Support in the Tweaks tool.

  6. (Optional) If you are using Debian 10 installed with GNOME, complete the following steps to install and enable GNOME system tray icons:

    1. Run the sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-appindicator command. You might need to log out and then back in again for GNOME to see the extension.

    2. Search for Tweaks in your Activities screen.

    3. Select Extensions in the Tweaks tool.

    4. Enable Kstatusnotifieritem/appindicator support.



  • The screen sharing feature does not support the H.265 video codec.

  • The screen sharing feature is not available for app sessions.

  • Users of desktop sessions can share their session screens with up to 10 viewers by default. The maximum number of viewers is configurable through ctxreg update -k "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Citrix\Thinwire" -v "ScreenSharingViewerMaxNum" -d <hex_value>. When the maximum number is reached, a prompt appears when users try to accept additional connection requests.

HDX screen sharing