Linux Virtual Delivery Agent

Shadow sessions

The session shadowing feature allows domain administrators to view users’ ICA sessions in an intranet. The feature uses noVNC to connect to the ICA sessions.


To use the session shadowing feature, use Citrix Director 7.16 or later.

Installation and configuration


Two new dependencies, python-websockify and x11vnc, are required for session shadowing. The python-websockify and x11vnc dependencies are installed automatically when you install the Linux VDA on Ubuntu 16.04. On the other supported distributions, you must install python-websockify and x11vnc manually after you install the Linux VDA.

For RHEL 7.x and Amazon Linux2:

Run the following commands to install python-websockify and x11vnc (x11vnc version 0.9.13 or later):

sudo pip3 install websockify sudo yum install x11vnc

To resolve python-websockify and x11vnc, enable the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) and optional RPMs repositories on RHEL 7.x:

  • EPEL

    The EPEL repository is required for x11vnc. Run the following command to enable the EPEL repository:

    yum install
  • Optional RPMs

    Run the following command to enable the optional RPMs repository for installing some dependency packages of x11vnc:

    subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-optional-rpms --enable rhel-7-server-extras-rpms

For RHEL 8.x:

Run the following commands to install python-websockify and x11vnc (x11vnc version 0.9.13 or later).

sudo pip3 install websockify sudo yum install x11vnc

To resolve x11vnc, enable the EPEL and CodeReady Linux Builder repositories:

dnf install -y --nogpgcheck subscription-manager repos --enable "codeready-builder -for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms"

For Ubuntu:

Run the following commands to install python-websockify and x11vnc (x11vnc version 0.9.13 or later):

sudo pip3 install websockify sudo apt-get install x11vnc


Run the following commands to install python-websockify and x11vnc (x11vnc version 0.9.13 or later):

sudo pip3 install websockify sudo zypper install x11vnc

For Debian:

Run the following commands to install python-websockify and x11vnc (x11vnc version 0.9.13 or later):

sudo pip3 install websockify sudo apt-get install x11vnc


The session shadowing feature automatically selects available ports from within 6001-6099 to build up connections from the Linux VDA to Citrix Director. Therefore, the number of ICA sessions that you can shadow concurrently is limited to 99. Ensure that enough ports are available to meet your requirements, especially for multi-session shadowing.


The following table lists related registries:

Registry Description Default Value
EnableSessionShadowing Enables or disables the session shadowing feature 1 (Enabled)
ShadowingUseSSL Determines whether to encrypt the connection between the Linux VDA and Citrix Director 0 (Disabled)

Run the ctxreg command on the Linux VDA to change the registry values. For example, to disable session shadowing, run the following command:

/opt/Citrix/VDA/bin/ctxreg update -k "HKLM\Software\Citrix\VirtualDesktopAgent" -v "EnableSessionShadowing" -d 0x00000000


The noVNC connection between the Linux VDA and Citrix Director uses the WebSocket protocol. For session shadowing, whether ws:// or wss:// is chosen depends on the previously mentioned “ShadowingUseSSL” registry. By default, ws:// is chosen. However, for security reasons, we recommend that you use wss:// and install certificates on each Citrix Director client and on each Linux VDA server. Citrix disclaims any security responsibility for the Linux VDA session shadowing by using ws://.

Obtain server and root SSL certificates

Certificates must be signed by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA).

A separate server certificate (including the key) is required for each Linux VDA server on which you want to configure SSL. A server certificate identifies a specific computer, so you must know the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of each server. You can use a wildcard certificate for the whole domain instead. In this case, you must know at least the domain name.

A root certificate is also required for each Citrix Director client that communicates with the Linux VDA. Root certificates are available from the same CAs that issue the server certificates.

You can install server and client certificates from the following CAs:

  • A CA that is bundled with your operating system
  • An enterprise CA (a CA that your organization makes accessible to you)
  • A CA not bundled with your operating system

Consult the security team of your organization to find out which of the methods they require for getting certificates.


  • The Common Name for a server certificate must be the exact FQDN of the Linux VDA or at least the correct wildcard plus domain characters. For example, or *
  • Hashing algorithms including the SHA1 and MD5 are too weak for signatures in digital certificates for some browsers to support. So SHA-256 is specified as the minimum standard.

Install a root certificate on each Citrix Director client

Session shadowing uses the same registry-based certificate store as IIS, so you can install root certificates using IIS or the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Certificates snap-in. When you receive a certificate from a CA, you can restart the Web Server Certificate Wizard in IIS and the wizard installs the certificate. Alternatively, you can view and import certificates on the computer using the MMC and add the certificate as a standalone snap-in. Internet Explorer and Google Chrome import the certificates installed on your operation system by default. For Mozilla Firefox, you must import your root SSL certificates on the Authorities tab of Certificate Manager.

Install a server certificate and its key on each Linux VDA server

Name the server certificates “shadowingcert.*” and the key file “shadowingkey.*” (* indicates the format, for example, shadowingcert.pem and shadowingkey.key). Put server certificates and key files under the path /etc/xdl/shadowingssl and protect them properly with restricted permissions. An incorrect name or path makes the Linux VDA unable to find a specific certificate or key file and therefore causes connection failure with Citrix Director.


From Citrix Director, find the target session and click Shadow in the Session Details view to send a shadowing request to the Linux VDA.

The shadow tab

After the connection initializes, a confirmation appears on the ICA session client (not the Citrix Director client) to ask the user for permission to shadow the session.

Whether to allow an administrator to shadow this session

If the user clicks Yes, a window appears on the Citrix Director side, indicating that the ICA session is being shadowed.

For more information about the usage, see the Citrix Director Documentation.


  • Session shadowing is designed for use in an Intranet only. It does not work for external networks even connecting through Citrix Gateway. Citrix disclaims any responsibility for the Linux VDA session shadowing in an external network.
  • With session shadowing enabled, a domain administrator can only view the ICA sessions, but has no permission to write or control it.
  • After an administrator clicks Shadow from Citrix Director, a confirmation appears to ask the user for permission to shadow the session. A session can be shadowed only when the session user gives the permission.
  • The previously mentioned confirmation has a timeout limitation, which is 20s. A shadowing request fails when the time runs out.
  • One session can be shadowed by only one administrator. For example, if administrator B sends a shadowing request for a session administrator A is shadowing, the confirmation for getting the user permission reappears on the user device. If the user agrees, the shadowing connection for administrator A stops and a new shadowing connection is built for administrator B. If an administrator sends another shadowing request for the same session, a new shadowing connection can also be built.
  • To use session shadowing, install Citrix Director 7.16 or later.
  • A Citrix Director client uses an FQDN rather than an IP address to connect to the target Linux VDA server. Therefore, the Citrix Director client must be able to resolve the FQDN of the Linux VDA server.


If session shadowing fails, do debugging on both the Citrix Director client and the Linux VDA.

On the Citrix Director client

Through the developer tools of the browser, check the output logs on the Console tab. Or, check the response of the ShadowLinuxSession API on the Network tab. If the confirmation for getting user permission appears but the connection build-up fails, ping the VDA’s FQDN manually to verify that Citrix Director can resolve the FQDN. If there’s an issue with the wss:// connection, check your certificates.

On the Linux VDA

Verify that the confirmation for getting the user permission appears in response to a shadowing request. If it does not, check the vda.log and hdx.log files for clues. To obtain the vda.log file, do the following:

  1. Find the /etc/xdl/ctx-vda.conf file. Uncomment the following line to enable the vda.log configuration:


  2. Open /etc/xdl/log4j.xml, locate the com.citrix.dmc part, and change “info” to “trace” as follows:

    <!-- Broker Agent Plugin - Director VDA plugin Logger --> <logger name="com.citrix.dmc"> <level value="trace"/> </logger>
  3. Run the service ctxvda restart command to restart the ctxvda service.

If there’s an error during connection build-up:

  1. Check for any firewall limitation that stops session shadowing from opening the port.
  2. Verify that you have named certificates and key files properly and put them under the correct path if it’s the SSL scenario.
  3. Verify that there are enough ports left between 6001-6099 for new shadowing requests.
Shadow sessions