Session Recording

View diagnostic logging


Various diagnostic logs including message queue quota exceedance can be detected on the VDAs and sent to the Session Recording server for display in the Session Recording web player.

Message queue quota exceedance

In any of the scenarios outlined below, there’s a chance of exceeding the maximum size of the Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) directory on a VDA, resulting in packet drops or pushback.

  • On the VDA side, the incoming rate of Message Queuing messages exceeds the outgoing rate.
  • The network connection between the VDA and the Session Recording server is poor and thus messages are stuck in the queue on the VDA side.
  • The queue quota on the Session Recording server side is used up and messages are stuck in the queue on the VDA side.

View diagnostic logging

  1. Open the Session Recording web player, and click Diagnostic Logging in the left navigation. The Diagnostic Logging page appears.

    For example:

    View diagnostic logging in the web player

    All VDAs with diagnostic logs are presented and sorted by their total log counts. You can also view the time the latest log is generated on each VDA and click Refresh to check for more incoming logs.

  2. Click a target VDA to view its diagnostic logs.

    By default, logs are grouped by type. For example:

    View diagnostic logs of a VDA

    You can disable log grouping by type and list all logs in chronological order instead.

    For example:

    Disable log grouping by type

  3. Use the time filter to select and view logs generated during the specified time frame.

    Use the time filter to view logs

  4. To check for any incoming logs, click Clear all logs to hide the currently displayed logs, and then click Refresh.

Configure diagnostic logging

Diagnostic logging is enabled by default. You can disable and re-enable the feature by using the following registry value on the target VDA:


Value data: 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled

You can also set how long these logs can be retained on the Session Recording database. To do so, go to the Logging tab of Session Recording Server Properties and configure the Retention period for diagnostic logs. The default value is 30 days.

Alert data retention period

View diagnostic logging