
Cumulative Update 6 (CU6)

Release date: Jan 09, 2025

What’s new in 2203 LTSR CU6

This release contains fixes for StoreFront 2203 LTSR Cumulative Update 6 (CU6). The following issues have been reported since the CU5 release of the 2203 LTSR.

Citrix Workspace app for HTML5

This release includes Citrix Workspace app for HTML5 2404.1.

Fixed issues in 2203 LTSR Cumulative Update 6 (CU6)

StoreFront 2203 LTSR CU6 contains all fixes included in CU5, and the following are the new fixes:

  • After upgrading StoreFront 2402 to 2402 CU1, German-language device users might not be able to sign in to the Citrix Workspace app and Citrix Workspace web client on browsers. The sign-in page might load with no result. For more information, see CTX691873.

    Note that any Citrix Workspace app client that encounters this issue and goes into a bad state must remove and re-add the store. [CVADHELP-26301]

  • When you upgrade StoreFront, you might notice duplicate copies of customization files, which were placed in the custom folder (\StoreWeb\custom), can also be found in the StoreFront web interface folders (\StoreWeb) after the upgrade process is complete. [CVADHELP-25405]

  • In the StoreFront customization API, users can include custom footers by inserting content into the element with the ID customBottom. However, there are two sections that contain elements with the same ID customBottom, which might result in unexpected behavior for customizations. [CVADHELP-26564]

  • When enabling ICA signing using the PowerShell command Set-STFStoreService $storeService -IcaFileSigning $true, the command doesn’t set the necessary permissions on the certificate, causing ICA signing to fail. [CVADHELP-26649]

  • During an outage, when the connectors go into Local Host Cache mode, StoreFront needs to send launch requests to the connector in the same zone as the resource. When a resource is available in multiple zones, previously, StoreFront would only try to launch the resource in one zone.

    With this enhancement, if the attempt to start a resource in one zone fails, in some cases StoreFront server tries to make another attempt to start the resource using connectors in other available zones to improve resilience. [WSP-23898]

Cumulative Update 6 (CU6)