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Scout Enterprise Management Suite

Command options

The options you can use to execute a command vary to some extent depending on the selected command.

General and common options

Option Description
Command The selected command is displayed. , The list-field allows switching to other commands.
Inform user Users are informed by a notification before the command is executed. , Specify a time period in seconds for displaying the notification. The command will be executed after the time period has expired. , If the time period is set to [0], the notification will be displayed and the system waits until the user confirms the command execution. , For firmware updates or UEFI updates, additional deferment options can be configured in the device configuration. For further information, see Update deferment by users.
User can cancel Users are allowed to prevent the command execution.
Send only to devices with Switched-on status [from Scout 15 2204] Only for Update, Delivery, User-defined and Pre-defined commands , The command is sent only to devices shown with Switched-on status. Switched-off devices are skipped. The actual device status is not determined before command execution. , If the Check reachability option is also selected, a ping command is used to determine the current status of the relevant devices before the command is issued. The command is only sent to the responding devices. This avoids timeouts that can be caused by devices that are not ready for operation despite showing a Switched-on status. , Default (both options disabled): The device status of the relevant devices is determined before the command is executed. If possible, switched-off devices are switched on for command execution and then switched off again. If a large number of devices is affected, we recommend that you select the above options instead. This allows for a faster and smoother operation.
Run with system rights Some commands require system rights which are checked before execution.
Now/Once/Every Time of execution, see Scheduling commands
On more devices wait Delay command execution between individual devices
Include sub-OUs The command is additionally applied to all devices in subordinate OUs.

Command-specific options

Option Description
Send message / Select the message to send from the list or enter your message text. To format your message text, use HTML tags.
Message Optionally edit the title of the message.
Title Optionally specify the display duration in seconds. With 0 seconds, the system message will be shown until the user clicks OK.
Selected or all previously sent message texts can be deleted from the list via button.
Delivery / Clean update partition before delivery
Before writing to the flash memory, the update partition is cleaned up.
All files of the current software image must be re-transferred from the web server. For further information, see Performing deliveries via command.
Update / Format system partition before update
Before the software is installed, the system partition of the flash memory is formatted.
For the installation of the firmware update, all files of the current software image must be re-transferred from the web server. For further information, see Performing updates via command.
UEFI update / Overwrite identical or higher version The UEFI system is always overwritten. This is necessary for a downgrade, for example. For further information see Performing UEFI updates via Scout command.
Remote factory reset / See Factory reset command
Retain local configuration  
Delete Scout Server address  
User-defined command Below the command name, select a command from the list or enter a command. For further information see User-defined Commands.
Predefined command / Selection Select a predefined command from the list. The function requires that commands have been predefined centrally, see Creating predefined commands.
Command options