Commands and schedules
Commands can be issued to OUs, Dynamic Device Groups and individual devices.The following commands are available in the Technical Preview:
Switch on
Switch off
Send message
Reset configuration
Deliver software[1[[ ]from Scout 15 2304]]
Pre-defined command[2[[ ]from Scout 15 2304]]
If a command is not executed immediately, it is saved as a schedule. A schedule can be defined for one-time execution or for periodic execution.
Schedules are displayed for each OU in the device list on a separate tab. The number of existing schedules is additionally shown in the [OU structure] for each OU, along with the number of existing devices and applications.
You may create commands or schedules for the following target devices:
a device of a [device list] (all three views)
the devices of an OU in the [OU structure], optionally additionally on all devices in subordinate OUs
the devices of a [Dynamic Device Groups]
To create a command or schedule, open the [Actions] menu for the target devices. To do this, click on to the right of the device, OU or Dynamic Device Group.
Creating a command
Means a Scout command that is executed immediately.
For the target devices, open the [Actions] menu, then choose [Commands], and then the desired command.
Leave the setting for [Type] (time) on [Now].
If you do not want to execute a command right away, set a one-time execution time or even a periodic execution, see
Creating a schedule
. -
In the [Command] dialog, edit the remaining fields.Common options are the following:
Option Description Inform users The relevant users will receive a message before the command is executed. Include subordinated OUs The command is additionally applied to all devices in subordinate OUs. For further information, see Command options in the
guide. -
Click Execute.
The command is executed immediately.
Creating a schedule
Means a Scout command that is scheduled for later execution.
For the target devices, open the Actions menu, then choose Commands, and then the desired command.
Under Type (time), select either [Once] or [Repeat every].
If you intend to plan a one-time execution, then select the date and time.
If you intend to plan a periodic execution, select [either] one day per month [or] one day of the week below it.
1 Option A: Choose a fixed day per month (for example, every 5th.) 2 Option B: Choose a fixed day per week (for example, every Tuesday) Specify the time.
In the Command dialog, edit the remaining fields. For further information, see Command options(/en-us/unicon-elux-scout/admin_guides/scout/commands/commands_options.html) in the Scout guide.
Click Execute.
A schedule is created for the planned one-time or periodic execution of the command.