Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops


If your custom virtual channel fails to open, review the following steps:

  1. Ensure you are using the correct VDA version.
  2. Confirm that you have a policy applied to the VDA with the custom virtual channel in the virtual channel allow list and that there are no other policies with higher priority overwriting this configuration.
  3. Check the event log in the VDA and confirm that the virtual channel name reported matches the one defined in the allow list.
    1. If you have multiple processes, ensure these are defined properly as described in Adding virtual channels to the allow list.
    2. If you are using wildcards in the defined process path, ensure you are adhering to the guidelines for Using wildcards.
    3. If you are using environment variables in the defined process path, ensure you are adhering to the guidelines in Using system environment variables.

Event logs

The following events are logged in the VDA machine’s event log.

Single-session VDA

The following events are logged in the single-session VDA machine’s event log:

Log Name Id Source Level Description
System 2001 Picadd Information Custom virtual channel <vcName> has been opened by process <processName>
System 2002 Picadd Warning Custom virtual channel <vcName> cannot be opened by process <processName>
System 2003 Picadd Information <username> opened custom virtual channel <vcName>
System 2004 Picadd Warning <username> tried to open custom virtual channel <vcName>
System 2005 Picadd Error Path given in policy <pathInPolicy> cannot resolve to process path
System 2007 Picadd Information Loaded process path is <processPath>
System 2008 Picadd Error Environment variable <varName> in VC policy path is not found

Multi-session VDA

The following events are logged in the multi-session VDA machine’s event log:

Log Name Id Source Level Description
System 13 Rpm Information Custom virtual channel <vcName> has been opened by process <processName>
System 14 Rpm Warning Custom virtual channel <vcName> cannot be opened by process <processName>
System 15 Rpm Information <username> opened custom virtual channel <vcName>
System 16 Rpm Warning <username> tried to open custom virtual channel <vcName>
System 17 Rpm Error Path given in policy <pathInPolicy> cannot resolve to process path
System 18 Rpm Information Loaded process path is <processPath>
System 19 Rpm Error Environment variable <varName> in VC policy path is not found