Install Linux Virtual Delivery Agent for Ubuntu manually
For fresh installations, we recommend you use easy install for a quick installation. Easy install saves time and labor and is less error-prone than the manual installation detailed in this article.
Step 1: Prepare Ubuntu for VDA installation
Step 1a: Verify the network configuration
Make sure that the network is connected and configured correctly. For example, you must configure the DNS server on the Linux VDA.
If you are using a Ubuntu 18.04 Live Server, make the following change in the /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg configuration file before setting the host name:
preserve_hostname: true
Step 1b: Set the host name
To make sure that the host name of the machine is reported correctly, change the /etc/hostname file to contain only the host name of the machine.
Step 1c: Assign a loopback address to the host name
Make sure that the DNS domain name and Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the machine are reported back correctly. The way is to change the following line of the /etc/hosts file to include the FQDN and host name as the first two entries: hostname-fqdn hostname localhost
For example: vda01 localhost
Remove any other references to hostname-fqdn
or hostname
from other entries in the file.
The Linux VDA currently does not support NetBIOS name truncation. Therefore, the host name must not exceed 15 characters.
Use a–z, A–Z, 0–9, and hyphen (-) characters only. Avoid underscores (_), spaces, and other symbols. Do not start a host name with a number and do not end with a hyphen. This rule also applies to Delivery Controller host names.
Step 1d: Check the host name
Verify that the host name is set correctly:
This command returns only the host name of the machine and not its FQDN.
Verify that the FQDN is set correctly:
hostname -f
This command returns the FQDN of the machine.
Step 1e: Disable multicast DNS
The default settings have multicast DNS (mDNS) enabled, which can lead to inconsistent name resolution results.
To disable mDNS, edit /etc/nsswitch.conf and change the line containing:
hosts: files mdns_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns
hosts: files dns
Step 1f: Check name resolution and service reachability
Verify that you can resolve the FQDN and ping the domain controller and Delivery Controller:
nslookup domain-controller-fqdn
ping domain-controller-fqdn
nslookup delivery-controller-fqdn
ping delivery-controller-fqdn
If you cannot resolve the FQDN or ping either of these machines, review the steps before proceeding.
Step 1g: Configure clock synchronization (chrony)
Maintaining accurate clock synchronization between the VDAs, Delivery Controllers and domain controllers is crucial. Hosting the Linux VDA as a virtual machine can cause clock skew problems. For this reason, synchronizing time with a remote time service is preferred.
Install chrony:
apt-get install chrony
As a root user, edit /etc/chrony/chrony.conf and add a server entry for each remote time server:
server peer1-fqdn-or-ip-address iburst
server peer2-fqdn-or-ip-address iburst
In a typical deployment, synchronize time from the local domain controllers and not directly from public NTP pool servers. Add a server entry for each Active Directory domain controller in the domain.
Remove any other server or pool entries listed including loopback IP address, localhost, and public server * entries.
Save changes and restart the Chrony daemon:
sudo systemctl restart chrony
Step 1h: Install OpenJDK 11
The Linux VDA requires the presence of OpenJDK 11.
On Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 18.04, install OpenJDK 11 by using:
sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-11-jdk
Step 1i: Install PostgreSQL
The Linux VDA requires PostgreSQL Version 9.x on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install -y postgresql
sudo apt-get install -y libpostgresql-jdbc-java
Step 1j: Install Motif
sudo apt-get install -y libxm4
Step 1k: Install other packages
sudo apt-get install -y libsasl2-2
sudo apt-get install -y libsasl2-modules-gssapi-mit
sudo apt-get install -y libldap-2.4-2
sudo apt-get install -y krb5-user
sudo apt-get install -y libgtk2.0-0
Step 2: Prepare the hypervisor
Some changes are required when running the Linux VDA as a virtual machine on a supported hypervisor. Make the following changes based on the hypervisor platform in use. No changes are required if you are running the Linux machine on bare metal hardware.
Fix time synchronization on Citrix Hypervisor
When the Citrix Hypervisor Time Sync feature is enabled, within each paravirtualized Linux VM you experience issues with NTP and Citrix Hypervisor. Both try to manage the system clock. To avoid the clock becoming out of sync with other servers, make sure that the system clock within each Linux guest is synchronized with the NTP. This case requires disabling host time synchronization. No changes are required in HVM mode.
If you are running a paravirtualized Linux kernel with Citrix VM Tools installed, you can check whether the Citrix Hypervisor Time Sync feature is present and enabled from within the Linux VM:
su -
cat /proc/sys/xen/independent_wallclock
This command returns 0 or 1:
- 0 - The time sync feature is enabled, and must be disabled.
- 1 - The time sync feature is disabled, and no further action is required.
If the /proc/sys/xen/independent_wallclock file is not present, the following steps are not required.
If enabled, disable the time sync feature by writing 1 to the file:
sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/xen/independent_wallclock
To make this change permanent and persistent after restart, edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file and add the line:
xen.independent_wallclock = 1
To verify these changes, restart the system:
su -
cat /proc/sys/xen/independent_wallclock
This command returns the value 1.
Fix time synchronization on Microsoft Hyper-V
Linux VMs with Hyper-V Linux Integration Services installed can use the Hyper-V time synchronization feature to use the host operating system’s time. To make sure that the system clock remains accurate, enable this feature alongside NTP services.
From the management operating system:
- Open the Hyper-V Manager console.
- For the settings of a Linux VM, select Integration Services.
- Ensure that Time synchronization is selected.
This approach is different from VMware and Citrix Hypervisor, where host time synchronization is disabled to avoid conflicts with NTP. Hyper-V time synchronization can coexist and supplement NTP time synchronization.
Fix time synchronization on ESX and ESXi
When the VMware Time Synchronization feature is enabled, within each paravirtualized Linux VM you experience issues with the NTP and the hypervisor. Both try to synchronize the system clock. To avoid the clock becoming out of sync with other servers, make sure that the system clock within each Linux guest is synchronized with the NTP. This case requires disabling host time synchronization.
If you are running a paravirtualized Linux kernel with VMware Tools installed:
- Open the vSphere Client.
- Edit settings for the Linux VM.
- In the Virtual Machine Properties dialog, open the Options tab.
- Select VMware Tools.
- In the Advanced box, clear Synchronize guest time with host.
Step 3: Add the Linux virtual machine (VM) to the Windows domain
The Linux VDA supports several methods for adding Linux machines to the Active Directory (AD) domain:
Follow instructions based on your chosen method.
Session launches might fail when the same user name is used for the local account in the Linux VDA and the account in AD.
Samba Winbind
Install or update the required packages
sudo apt-get install winbind samba libnss-winbind libpam-winbind krb5-config krb5-locales krb5-user
Enable the Winbind daemon to start on machine startup
The Winbind daemon must be configured to start on machine startup:
sudo systemctl enable winbind
Ensure that the
script is located under/etc/init.d
Configure Kerberos
Open /etc/krb5.conf as a root user, and make the following settings:
Configure Kerberos based on your AD infrastructure. The following settings are meant for the single-domain, single-forest model.
default_realm =
dns_lookup_kdc = false
= {
admin_server =
kdc =
The domain-dns-name parameter in this context is the DNS domain name, such as The REALM is the Kerberos realm name in uppercase, such as EXAMPLE.COM.
Configure Winbind Authentication
Configure Winbind manually because Ubuntu does not have a tool like authconfig
in RHEL and yast2 in SUSE.
Open /etc/samba/smb.conf, and make the following settings:
workgroup =
security = ADS
realm =
encrypt passwords = yes
idmap config *:range = 16777216-33554431
winbind trusted domains only = no
kerberos method = secrets and keytab
winbind refresh tickets = yes
template shell = /bin/bash
WORKGROUP is the first field in REALM, and REALM is the Kerberos realm name in uppercase.
Configure nsswitch
Open /etc/nsswitch.conf, and append winbind
to the following lines:
passwd: compat winbind
group: compat winbind
Join Windows Domain
Your domain controller must be reachable and you must have an Active Directory user account with permissions to add computers to the domain:
sudo net ads join REALM -U user
Where REALM is the Kerberos realm name in uppercase, and user is a domain user with permissions to add computers to the domain.
Restart winbind
sudo systemctl restart winbind
Configure PAM for Winbind
Run the following command and make sure that the Winbind NT/Active Directory authentication and Create home directory on login options are selected:
sudo pam-auth-update
daemon stays running only if the machine is joined to a domain.
Verify Domain Membership
The Delivery Controller requires that all VDA machines, whether Windows or Linux, have a computer object in Active Directory
Run the net ads command of Samba to verify that the machine is joined to a domain:
sudo net ads testjoin
Run the following command to verify extra domain and computer object information:
sudo net ads info
Verify Kerberos Configuration
To verify that Kerberos is configured correctly for use with the Linux VDA, verify that the system keytab file has been created and contains valid keys:
sudo klist -ke
This command displays the list of keys available for the various combinations of principal names and cipher suites. Run the Kerberos kinit
command to authenticate the machine with the domain controller using these keys:
sudo kinit -k MACHINE\$@REALM
The machine and realm names must be specified in uppercase. The dollar sign ($) must be escaped with a backslash (\) to prevent shell substitution. In some environments, the DNS domain name is different from the Kerberos realm name. Ensure that the realm name is used. If this command is successful, no output is displayed.
Verify that the TGT ticket for the machine account has been cached using:
sudo klist
Examine the account details of the machine using:
sudo net ads status
Verify user authentication
Use the wbinfo tool to verify that domain users can authenticate with the domain:
wbinfo --krb5auth=domain\\username%password
The domain specified here is the AD domain name, not the Kerberos realm name. For the bash shell, the backslash (\) character must be escaped with another backslash. This command returns a message indicating success or failure.
To verify that the Winbind PAM module is configured correctly, log on to the Linux VDA using a domain user account that has not been used before.
ssh localhost -l domain\\username
id -u
To run an SSH command successfully, make sure that SSH is enabled and working properly.
Verify that a corresponding Kerberos credential cache file was created for the uid returned by the id -u command:
ls /tmp/krb5cc_uid
Verify that the tickets in the user’s Kerberos credential cache are valid and not expired:
Exit the session.
A similar test can be performed by logging on to the Gnome or KDE console directly. Proceed to Step 6: Install the Linux VDA after the domain-joining verification.
If you succeed in user authentication but cannot show your desktop when logging on with a domain account, restart the machine and then try again.
Quest authentication service
Configure Quest on domain controller
Assume that you have installed and configured the Quest software on the Active Directory domain controllers, and have been granted administrative privileges to create computer objects in Active Directory
Enable domain users to log on to Linux VDA machines
To enable domain users to establish HDX sessions on a Linux VDA machine:
- In the Active Directory Users and Computers management console, open Active Directory user properties for that user account.
- Select the Unix Account tab.
- Check Unix-enabled.
- Set the Primary GID Number to the group ID of an actual domain user group.
These instructions are equivalent for setting up domain users for logon using the console, RDP, SSH, or any other remoting protocol.
Configure Quest on Linux VDA
Work around SELinux policy enforcement
The default RHEL environment has SELinux fully enforced. This enforcement interferes with the Unix domain socket IPC mechanisms used by Quest, and prevents domain users from logging on.
The convenient way to work around this issue is to disable SELinux. As a root user, edit /etc/selinux/config and change the SELinux setting:
This change requires a machine restart:
Use this setting carefully. Reenabling SELinux policy enforcement after disabling can cause a complete lockout, even for the root user and other local users.
Configure VAS daemon
Autorenewal of Kerberos tickets must be enabled and disconnected. Authentication (offline logon) must be disabled:
sudo /opt/quest/bin/vastool configure vas vasd auto-ticket-renew-interval 32400
sudo /opt/quest/bin/vastool configure vas vas_auth allow-disconnected-auth false
This command sets the renewal interval to nine hours (32,400 seconds) which is one hour less than the default 10-hour ticket lifetime. Set this parameter to a lower value on systems with a shorter ticket lifetime.
Configure PAM and NSS
To enable domain user logon through HDX and other services such as su, ssh, and RDP, run the following commands to configure PAM and NSS manually:
sudo /opt/quest/bin/vastool configure pam
sudo /opt/quest/bin/vastool configure nss
Join Windows domain
Join the Linux machine to the Active Directory domain using the Quest vastool
sudo /opt/quest/bin/vastool -u user join domain-name
The user is any domain user with permissions to join computers to the Active Directory domain. The domain-name
is the DNS name of the domain, for example,
Verify domain membership
The Delivery Controller requires that all VDA machines, whether Windows or Linux, have a computer object in Active Directory
. To verify that a Quest-joined Linux machine is on the domain:
sudo /opt/quest/bin/vastool info domain
If the machine is joined to a domain, this command returns the domain name. If the machine is not joined to any domain, the following error appears:
ERROR: No domain could be found.
ERROR: VAS_ERR_CONFIG: at ctx.c:414 in _ctx_init_default_realm
default_realm not configured in vas.conf. Computer may not be joined to domain
Verify user authentication
To verify that Quest can authenticate domain users through PAM, log on to the Linux VDA using a domain user account that has not been used before.
ssh localhost -l domain\\username
id -u
Verify that a corresponding Kerberos credential cache file was created for the UID returned by the id -u command:
ls /tmp/krb5cc_uid
Verify that the tickets in the Kerberos credential cache are valid and not expired:
/opt/quest/bin/vastool klist
Exit the session.
Proceed to Step 6: Install the Linux VDA after the domain-joining verification.
Centrify DirectControl
Join Windows domain
With the Centrify DirectControl Agent installed, join the Linux machine to the Active Directory domain using the Centrify adjoin
su –
adjoin -w -V -u user domain-name
The user parameter is any Active Directory domain user with permissions to join computers to the Active Directory domain. The domain-name parameter is the name of the domain to join the Linux machine to.
Verify domain membership
The Delivery Controller requires that all VDA machines, whether Windows or Linux, have a computer object in Active Directory
. To verify that a Centrify-joined Linux machine is on the domain:
su –
Verify that the Joined to domain value is valid and the CentrifyDC mode returns connected. If the mode remains stuck in the starting state, then the Centrify client is experiencing server connection or authentication problems.
More comprehensive system and diagnostic information is available using:
adinfo --sysinfo all
adinfo --diag
Test connectivity to the various Active Directory and Kerberos services.
adinfo --test
Proceed to Step 6: Install the Linux VDA after the domain-joining verification.
Configure Kerberos
Run the following command to install Kerberos:
sudo apt-get install krb5-user
To configure Kerberos, open /etc/krb5.conf as root and set the parameters:
Configure Kerberos based on your AD infrastructure. The following settings are meant for the single-domain, single-forest model.
default_realm =
dns_lookup_kdc = false
= {
admin_server =
kdc =
The domain-dns-name
parameter in this context is the DNS domain name, such as The REALM is the Kerberos realm name in uppercase, such as EXAMPLE.COM.
Join the domain
SSSD must be configured to use Active Directory as its identity provider and Kerberos for authentication. However, SSSD does not provide AD client functions for joining the domain and managing the system keytab file. You can use adcli
, realmd
, or Samba
This section only provides information for
- If you use
to join the domain, complete the following steps:
.sudo apt-get install adcli
Join the domain with
.Remove the old system keytab file and join the domain using:
su - rm -rf /etc/krb5.keytab adcli join domain-dns-name -U user -H hostname-fqdn
The user is a domain user with permissions to add machines to the domain. The hostname-fqdn is the host name in FQDN format for the machine.
The -H option is necessary for
to generate SPN in the format of host/hostname-fqdn@REALM, which the Linux VDA requires. -
Verify system keytab.
For a Ubuntu 20.04 machine, run the
adcli testjoin
command to test whether it is joined to the domain.For a Ubuntu 18.04 machine, run the
sudo klist -ket
command to make sure that the system keytab file has been created.Verify that the timestamp for each key matches the time the machine was joined to the domain.
- If you use
to join the domain, complete the following steps:
Install the package.
sudo apt-get install samba krb5-user
.Open /etc/samba/smb.conf, and make the following settings:
workgroup =
security = ADS
realm =
client signing = yes
client use spnego = yes
kerberos method = secrets and keytab
WORKGROUP is the first field in REALM, and REALM is the Kerberos realm name in uppercase.
Join the domain with
.Your domain controller must be reachable and you must have a Windows account with permissions to add computers to the domain.
sudo net ads join REALM -U user
Where REALM is the Kerberos realm name in uppercase, and user is a domain user with permissions to add computers to the domain.
Set up SSSD
Install or update required packages:
Install the required SSSD and configuration packages if not already installed:
sudo apt-get install sssd
If the packages are already installed, an update is recommended:
sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade sssd
By default, the install process in Ubuntu configures nsswitch.conf and the PAM login module automatically.
Configure SSSD
SSSD configuration changes are required before starting the SSSD daemon. For some versions of SSSD, the /etc/sssd/sssd.conf configuration file is not installed by default and must be created manually. As root, either create or open /etc/sssd/sssd.conf and make the following settings:
services = nss, pam
config_file_version = 2
domains =
id_provider = ad
access_provider = ad
auth_provider = krb5
krb5_realm =
# Set krb5_renewable_lifetime higher if TGT renew lifetime is longer than 14 days
krb5_renewable_lifetime = 14d
# Set krb5_renew_interval to lower value if TGT ticket lifetime is shorter than 2 hours
krb5_renew_interval = 1h
krb5_ccachedir = /tmp
krb5_ccname_template = FILE:%d/krb5cc_%U
# This ldap_id_mapping setting is also the default value
ldap_id_mapping = true
override_homedir = /home/%d/%u
default_shell = /bin/bash
ad_gpo_map_remote_interactive = +ctxhdx
ldap_id_mapping is set to true so that SSSD itself takes care of mapping Windows SIDs to Unix UIDs. Otherwise, the Active Directory must be able to provide POSIX extensions. PAM service
is added to ad_gpo_map_remote_interactive.The domain-dns-name parameter in this context is the DNS domain name, such as The REALM is the Kerberos realm name in uppercase, such as EXAMPLE.COM. There is no requirement to configure the NetBIOS domain name.
For information about the configuration settings, see the man pages for sssd.conf and
The SSSD daemon requires that the configuration file must have owner read permission only:
sudo chmod 0600 /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
Start SSSD daemon
Run the following commands to start the SSSD daemon now and to enable the daemon to start upon machine startup:
sudo systemctl start sssd
sudo systemctl enable sssd
PAM configuration
Run the following command and make sure that the SSS authentication and Create home directory on login options are selected:
sudo pam-auth-update
Verify domain membership
The Delivery Controller requires that all VDA machines (Windows and Linux VDAs) have a computer object in Active Directory
If you use
to verify domain membership, run thesudo adcli info domain-dns-name
command to show the domain information. -
If you use
to verify domain membership, run thesudo net ads testjoin
command to verify that the machine is joined to a domain and thesudo net ads info
command to verify extra domain and computer object information.
Verify Kerberos configuration
To verify that Kerberos is configured correctly for use with the Linux VDA, verify that the system keytab file has been created and contains valid keys:
sudo klist -ke
This command displays the list of keys available for the various combinations of principal names and cipher suites. Run the Kerberos kinit
command to authenticate the machine with the domain controller using these keys:
sudo kinit -k MACHINE\$@REALM
The machine and realm names must be specified in uppercase. The dollar sign ($) must be escaped with a backslash (\) to prevent shell substitution. In some environments, the DNS domain name is different from the Kerberos realm name. Ensure that the realm name is used. If this command is successful, no output is displayed.
Verify that the TGT for the machine account has been cached using:
sudo klist
Verify user authentication
SSSD does not provide a command-line tool for testing authentication directly with the daemon, and can only be done via PAM.
To verify that the SSSD PAM module is configured correctly, log on to the Linux VDA using a domain user account that has not been used before.
ssh localhost -l domain\\username
id -u
Verify that the Kerberos tickets returned by the klist command are correct for that user and have not expired.
As a root user, verify that a corresponding ticket cache file was created for the uid returned by the previous id -u command:
ls /tmp/krb5cc_uid
A similar test can be performed by logging on to KDE or Gnome Display Manager. Proceed to Step 6: Install the Linux VDA after the domain-joining verification.
Download the required PBIS package
sudo wget
Make the PBIS installation script executable
sudo chmod +x
Run the PBIS installation script
sudo sh
Join Windows domain
Your domain controller must be reachable and you must have an Active Directory user account with permissions to add computers to the domain:
sudo /opt/pbis/bin/domainjoin-cli join domain-name user
The user is a domain user who has permissions to add computers to the Active Directory domain. The domain-name is the DNS name of the domain, for example,
Note: To set Bash as the default shell, run the sudo /opt/pbis/bin/config LoginShellTemplate/bin/bash command.
Verify domain membership
The Delivery Controller requires that all VDA machines (Windows and Linux VDAs) have a computer object in Active Directory
. To verify that a PBIS-joined Linux machine is on the domain:
/opt/pbis/bin/domainjoin-cli query
If the machine is joined to a domain, this command returns the information about the currently joined AD domain and OU. Otherwise, only the host name appears.
Verify user authentication
To verify that PBIS can authenticate domain users through PAM, log on to the Linux VDA using a domain user account that has not been used before.
sudo ssh localhost -l domain\\user
id -u
Verify that a corresponding Kerberos credential cache file was created for the UID returned by the id -u command:
ls /tmp/krb5cc_uid
Exit the session.
Proceed to Step 6: Install the Linux VDA after the domain-joining verification.
Step 4: Install .NET Runtime 6.0 as a prerequisite
Before installing the Linux VDA, install .NET Runtime 6.0 according to the instructions at
After installing .NET Runtime 6.0, run the which dotnet command to find your runtime path.
Based on the command output, set the .NET runtime binary path. For example, if the command output is /aa/bb/dotnet, use /aa/bb as the .NET binary path.
Step 5: Download the Linux VDA package
Go to the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops download page. Expand the appropriate version of Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops and click Components to download the Linux VDA package that matches your Linux distribution.
Step 6: Install the Linux VDA
Step 6a: Install the Linux VDA
Install the Linux VDA software using the Debian package manager:
For Ubuntu 20.04:
sudo dpkg -i xendesktopvda_<version>.ubuntu20.04_amd64.deb
For Ubuntu 18.04:
sudo dpkg -i xendesktopvda_<version>.ubuntu18.04_amd64.deb
Debian dependency list for Ubuntu 20.04:
libqt5widgets5 >= 5.7~
ibus >= 1.5
libsasl2-modules-gssapi-mit >= 2.1.~
postgresql >= 12
libpostgresql-jdbc-java >= 42.2
openjdk-11-jdk >= 11
imagemagick >= 8:6.9.10
ufw >= 0.36
ubuntu-desktop >= 1.450
libxrandr2 >= 2:1.5.2
libxtst6 >= 2:1.2.3
libxm4 >= 2.3.8
util-linux >= 2.34
gtk3-nocsd >= 3
bash >= 5.0
findutils >= 4.7.0
sed >= 4.7
cups >= 2.3
libmspack0 >= 0.10
libgoogle-perftools4 >= 2.7~
libpython2.7 >= 2.7~
Debian dependency list for Ubuntu 18.04:
libqt5widgets5 >= 5.7~
libmspack0 >= 0.6
ibus >= 1.5
libnss3-tools >= 2:3.35
postgresql >= 9.5
libpostgresql-jdbc-java >= 9.2
openjdk-11-jdk >= 11
gtk3-nocsd >=3
imagemagick >= 8:
ufw >= 0.35
ubuntu-desktop >= 1.361
libxrandr2 >= 2:1.5.0
libxtst6 >= 2:1.2.2
libxm4 >= 2.3.4
util-linux >= 2.27.1
bash >= 4.3
findutils >= 4.6.0
sed >= 4.2.2
cups >= 2.1
libldap-2.4-2 >= 2.4.42
libsasl2-modules-gssapi-mit >= 2.1.~
python-requests >= 2.9.1
libgoogle-perftools4 >= 2.4~
xserver-xorg-core >= 2:1.18
xserver-xorg-core << 2:1.19
python-websockify >= 0.6.1
For a matrix of the Linux distributions and the Xorg versions that this version of the Linux VDA supports, see System requirements.
Step 6b: Upgrade the Linux VDA (optional)
You can upgrade an existing installation from the previous two versions and from an LTSR release.
sudo dpkg -i <PATH>/<Linux VDA deb>
Upgrading an existing installation overwrites the configuration files under /etc/xdl. Before you conduct an upgrade, make sure to back up the files.
Step 7: Install NVIDIA GRID drivers
Enabling HDX 3D Pro requires you to install the NVIDIA GRID drivers on your hypervisor and on the VDA machines.
To install and configure the NVIDIA GRID Virtual GPU Manager (the host driver) on the specific hypervisors, see the following guides:
To install and configure the NVIDIA GRID guest VM drivers, perform the following general steps:
- Ensure that the guest VM is shut down.
- In the hypervisor control panel, allocate a GPU to the VM.
- Start the VM.
- Install the guest VM driver on the VM.
Step 8: Configure the Linux VDA
After installing the package, you must configure the Linux VDA by running the script. Before making any changes, the script verifies the environment and ensures that all dependencies are installed. If necessary, you can rerun the script at any time to change settings.
You can run the script manually with prompting, or automatically with preconfigured responses. Review Help about the script before proceeding:
sudo /opt/Citrix/VDA/sbin/ --help
Prompted configuration
Run a manual configuration with prompted questions:
sudo /opt/Citrix/VDA/sbin/
Automated configuration
For an automated install, the options required by the setup script can be provided with environment variables. If all required variables are present, the script does not prompt the user for any information, allowing for a scripted installation process.
Supported environment variables include:
- CTX_XDL_SUPPORT_DDC_AS_CNAME=Y | N – The Linux VDA supports specifying a Delivery Controller name using a DNS CNAME record. Set to N by default.
- CTX_XDL_DDC_LIST=’list-ddc-fqdns’ – The Linux VDA requires a space-separated list of Delivery Controller Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs) to use for registering with a Delivery Controller. At least one FQDN or CNAME alias must be specified.
- CTX_XDL_VDA_PORT=port-number – The Linux VDA communicates with Delivery Controllers through a TCP/IP port, which is port 80 by default.
- CTX_XDL_REGISTER_SERVICE=Y | N – The Linux VDA services are started after machine startup. Set to Y by default.
- CTX_XDL_ADD_FIREWALL_RULES=Y | N – The Linux VDA services require incoming network connections to be allowed through the system firewall. You can open the required ports (ports 80 and 1494 by default) automatically in the system firewall for the Linux VDA. Set to Y by default.
CTX_XDL_AD_INTEGRATION=1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |5 – The Linux VDA requires Kerberos configuration settings to authenticate with the Delivery Controllers. The Kerberos configuration is determined from the installed and configured Active Directory integration tool on the system. Specify the supported Active Directory integration method to use:
- 1 – Samba Winbind
- 2 – Quest Authentication Service
- 3 – Centrify DirectControl
- 4 – SSSD
- 5 – PBIS
- CTX_XDL_HDX_3D_PRO=Y | N – The Linux VDA supports HDX 3D Pro, a set of GPU acceleration technologies designed to optimize the virtualization of rich graphics applications. If HDX 3D Pro is selected, the VDA is configured for VDI desktops (single-session) mode - (that is, CTX_XDL_VDI_MODE=Y).
- CTX_XDL_VDI_MODE=Y | N – Whether to configure the machine as a dedicated desktop delivery model (VDI) or hosted shared desktop delivery model. For HDX 3D Pro environments, set this variable to Y. This variable is set to N by default.
- CTX_XDL_SITE_NAME=dns-name – The Linux VDA discovers LDAP servers through DNS. To limit the DNS search results to a local site, specify a DNS site name. This variable is set to <none> by default.
- CTX_XDL_LDAP_LIST=’list-ldap-servers’ – The Linux VDA queries DNS to discover LDAP servers. If DNS cannot provide LDAP service records, you can provide a space-separated list of LDAP FQDNs with LDAP ports. For example, If you specify the LDAP port number as 389, the Linux VDA queries each LDAP server in the specified domain in polling mode. If there are x number of policies and y number of LDAP servers, the Linux VDA performs the total of X multiplied by Y queries. If the polling time exceeds the threshold, session logons might fail. To enable the faster LDAP queries, enable Global Catalog on a domain controller and specify the relevant LDAP port number as 3268. This variable is set to <none> by default.
- CTX_XDL_SEARCH_BASE=search-base-set – The Linux VDA queries LDAP through a search base set to the root of the Active Directory Domain (for example, DC=mycompany,DC=com). However, to improve search performance, you can specify a search base (for example, OU=VDI,DC=mycompany,DC=com). This variable is set to <none> by default.
- CTX_XDL_FAS_LIST=’list-fas-servers’ – The Federated Authentication Service (FAS) servers are configured through AD Group Policy. The Linux VDA does not support AD Group Policy, but you can provide a semicolon-separated list of FAS servers instead. The sequence must be the same as configured in AD Group Policy. If any server address is removed, fill its blank with the <none> text string and do not modify the order of server addresses. To communicate with FAS servers properly, make sure you append a port number consistent with that specified on the FAS servers, for example, CTX_XDL_FAS_LIST=’fas_server_1_url:port_number; fas_server_2_url: port_number; fas_server_3_url: port_number’.
CTX_XDL_DOTNET_ RUNTIME_PATH=path-to-install-dotnet-runtime – The path to install .NET Runtime 6.0 for supporting the new broker agent service (
). The default path is /usr/bin. -
CTX_XDL_DESKTOP _ENVIRONMENT=gnome/gnome-classic/mate – Specifies the GNOME, GNOME Classic, or MATE desktop environment to use in sessions. If you leave the variable unspecified, the desktop currently installed on the VDA is used. However, if the currently installed desktop is MATE, you must set the variable value to mate.
You can also change the desktop environment for a target session user by completing the following steps:
- Create an
file under the $HOME/<username> directory on the VDA. -
Edit the
file to specify a desktop environment based on distributions.-
For MATE desktop
MSESSION="$(type -p mate-session)" if [ -n "$MSESSION" ]; then exec mate-session fi
For GNOME Classic desktop
GSESSION="$(type -p gnome-session)" if [ -n "$GSESSION" ]; then export GNOME_SHELL_SESSION_MODE=classic exec gnome-session --session=gnome-classic fi
For GNOME desktop
GSESSION="$(type -p gnome-session)" if [ -n "$GSESSION" ]; then exec gnome-session fi
- Share the 700 file permission with the target session user.
- Create an
- CTX_XDL_START_SERVICE=Y | N – Whether or not the Linux VDA services are started when the Linux VDA configuration is complete. Set to Y by default.
- CTX_XDL_TELEMETRY_SOCKET_PORT – The socket port for listening for Citrix Scout. The default port is 7503.
- CTX_XDL_TELEMETRY_PORT – The port for communicating with Citrix Scout. The default port is 7502.
Set the environment variable and run the configure script:
export CTX_XDL_DDC_LIST='list-ddc-fqdns'
export CTX_XDL_VDA_PORT=port-number
export CTX_XDL_AD_INTEGRATION=1|2|3|4|5
export CTX_XDL_SITE_NAME=dns-site-name | '<none>'
export CTX_XDL_LDAP_LIST='list-ldap-servers' | '<none>'
export CTX_XDL_SEARCH_BASE=search-base-set | '<none>'
export CTX_XDL_FAS_LIST='list-fas-servers' | '<none>'
export CTX_XDL_DOTNET_RUNTIME_PATH=path-to-install-dotnet-runtime
export CTX_XDL_DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT= gnome | gnome-classic | mate | '<none>'
export CTX_XDL_TELEMETRY_PORT=port-number
sudo -E /opt/Citrix/VDA/sbin/
When running the sudo command, type the -E option to pass the existing environment variables to the new shell it creates. We recommend that you create a shell script file from the preceding commands with #!/bin/bash as the first line.
Alternatively, you can specify all parameters by using a single command:
CTX_XDL_DDC_LIST='list-ddc-fqdns' \
CTX_XDL_VDA_PORT=port-number \
CTX_XDL_SITE_NAME=dns-name \
CTX_XDL_LDAP_LIST='list-ldap-servers' \
CTX_XDL_SEARCH_BASE=search-base-set \
CTX_XDL_FAS_LIST='list-fas-servers' \
CTX_XDL_DOTNET_RUNTIME_PATH=path-to-install-dotnet-runtime \
CTX_XDL_DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT=gnome|gnome-classic|mate \
Remove configuration changes
In some scenarios, you might have to remove the configuration changes made by the script without uninstalling the Linux VDA package.
Review Help about this script before proceeding:
sudo /opt/Citrix/VDA/sbin/ --help
To remove configuration changes:
sudo /opt/Citrix/VDA/sbin/
This script deletes all configuration data from the database and renders the Linux VDA inoperable.
Configuration logs
The and scripts display errors on the console, with additional information written to the configuration log file /tmp/xdl.configure.log.
Restart the Linux VDA services to have the changes take effect.
Uninstall the Linux VDA software
To check whether the Linux VDA is installed and to view the version of the installed package:
dpkg -l xendesktopvda
To view more detailed information:
apt-cache show xendesktopvda
To uninstall the Linux VDA software:
dpkg -r xendesktopvda
Uninstalling the Linux VDA software deletes the associated PostgreSQL and other configuration data. However, the PostgreSQL package and other dependent packages that were set up before the installation of the Linux VDA are not deleted.
The information in this section does not cover the removal of dependent packages including PostgreSQL.
Step 9: Run XDPing
Run sudo /opt/Citrix/VDA/bin/xdping
to check for common configuration issues with a Linux VDA environment. For more information, see XDPing.
Step 10: Run the Linux VDA
Once you have configured the Linux VDA using the script, you use the following commands to control the Linux VDA.
Start the Linux VDA:
To start the Linux VDA services:
sudo systemctl start ctxhdx
sudo systemctl start ctxvda
Stop the Linux VDA:
To stop the Linux VDA services:
sudo systemctl stop ctxvda
sudo systemctl stop ctxhdx
Before you stop the
services, run theservice ctxmonitorservice stop
command to stop the monitor service daemon. Otherwise, the monitor service daemon restarts the services you stopped.
Restart the Linux VDA:
To restart the Linux VDA services:
sudo systemctl stop ctxvda
sudo systemctl restart ctxhdx
sudo systemctl restart ctxvda
Check the Linux VDA status:
To check the running status of the Linux VDA services:
sudo systemctl status ctxvda
sudo systemctl status ctxhdx
Step 11: Create the machine catalog in Citrix Virtual Apps or Citrix Virtual Desktops
The process for creating machine catalogs and adding Linux VDA machines is similar to the traditional Windows VDA approach. For a more detailed description of how to complete these tasks, see Create machine catalogs and Manage machine catalogs.
For creating machine catalogs that contain Linux VDA machines, there are a few restrictions that differentiate the process from creating machine catalogs for Windows VDA machines:
- For the operating system, select:
- The Multi-session OS option for a hosted shared desktops delivery model.
- The Single-session OS option for a VDI dedicated desktop delivery model.
- Do not mix Linux and Windows VDA machines in the same machine catalog.
Early versions of Citrix Studio did not support the notion of a “Linux OS.” However, selecting the Windows Server OS or Server OS option implies an equivalent hosted shared desktops delivery model. Selecting the Windows Desktop OS or Desktop OS option implies a single user per machine delivery model.
If you remove and rejoin a machine to the Active Directory domain, you must remove and add the machine to the machine catalog again.
Step 12: Create the delivery group in Citrix Virtual Apps or Citrix Virtual Desktops
The process for creating a delivery group and adding machine catalogs containing Linux VDA machines is almost identical to Windows VDA machines. For a more detailed description of how to complete these tasks, see Create delivery groups.
For creating delivery groups that contain Linux VDA machine catalogs, the following restrictions apply:
- Ensure that the AD users and groups that you select have been properly configured to log on to the Linux VDA machines.
- Do not allow logon of unauthenticated (anonymous) users.
- Do not mix the delivery group with machine catalogs that contain Windows machines.
For information about how to create machine catalogs and delivery groups, see Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 2206.
In this article
- Step 1: Prepare Ubuntu for VDA installation
- Step 2: Prepare the hypervisor
- Step 3: Add the Linux virtual machine (VM) to the Windows domain
- Step 4: Install .NET Runtime 6.0 as a prerequisite
- Step 5: Download the Linux VDA package
- Step 6: Install the Linux VDA
- Step 7: Install NVIDIA GRID drivers
- Step 8: Configure the Linux VDA
- Step 9: Run XDPing
- Step 10: Run the Linux VDA
- Step 11: Create the machine catalog in Citrix Virtual Apps or Citrix Virtual Desktops
- Step 12: Create the delivery group in Citrix Virtual Apps or Citrix Virtual Desktops