Session Recording

Fixed issues in 2203 LTSR CU6

Compared to: Session Recording 2203 LTSR CU5

Session Recording 2203 LTSR CU6 contains all fixes included in the 2203 LTSR initial release, CU1, CU2, CU3, CU4, CU5, plus the following, new fixes:

  • When you use a VDA with Windows server 2016 EN and the Session Recording Agent 2203cu3 (, the Session Recording Agent service fails on start and is terminated unexpectedly. [CVADHELP-24057]
  • You may experience a failure when upgrading the Session Recording Administrator MSI for domain admins during the session recording server upgrade. [CVADHELP-26840]
  • Session Recording cannot be recorded or played because the SessionRecordingAppPool is automatically disabled. [SRT-13725]
  • You may notice that the time of your new recording file is incorrect after an event is triggered with the pre-recording function. [SRT-13609]
  • You may experience an issue with loading or processing data in LTSR versions 1912 CU10, 2203 CU6, and 2402 CU2. [SRT-13107]
  • You might encounter the error USP_AddLoggingEventLogging is missing in Windows Event Viewer after upgrading Session Recording from a version earlier than 2009. [SRT-12913]
Fixed issues in 2203 LTSR CU6

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