StoreFront 1912 LTSR reached end-of-life on 18-Dec-2024. It is recommended that you upgrade to a newer version of StoreFront.


StoreFront 1912

Create store

You can create as many stores as you need; for example, you can create a store for a particular group of users or to group together a specific set of resources.


In multiple server deployments, use only one server at a time to make changes to the configuration of the server group. Ensure that the Citrix StoreFront management console is not running on any of the other servers in the deployment. Once complete, propagate your configuration changes to the server group so that the other servers in the deployment are updated.

To create a store, you identify and configure communications with the servers providing the resources that you want to make available in the store. Then, optionally, you configure remote access to the store through Citrix Gateway.

  1. From the actions pane click Create Store.

    Screenshot of Create Store window Getting Started tab

    Click Next

  2. On the Store Name tab fill out the following:

    • Enter a store name

    • If you wish to allow users to access the store anonymously, or unauthenticated, tick Allow only unauthenticated users to access this store. When you create an unauthenticated store, Authentication Methods and Remote Access pages are not available, and Server Group Node in the left and Action panes are replaced by Change Base URL. (This is the only option available because server groups are not available in nondomain-joined servers.)

    Screenshot of Create Store window Store Name tab

    Click Next

  3. On the Delivery Controllers tab, add resource feeds for your virtual desktops and applications. For more details, see Manage the resources made available in stores

    Screenshot of Create Store window Delivery Controllers tab

    Click Next.

  4. On the Remote Access tab choose whether you want make the store available via a Citrix Gateway. For more details see Manage remote access to stores through Citrix Gateway.

    Screenshot of Create Store window Remote Access tab

  5. On the Authentication Methods tab, select the methods your users will use to authenticate to the store and click Next.

    For more details of the available authentication methods, see Configure the authentication service.

    Rather than configuring authentication methods separately for this store, it is possible to share the authentication configuration with another store. To do this, tick Use a shared authentication service then choose an existing store.

    Screenshot of Create Store window Authentication tab

    Click Next

  6. On the XenApp Services URL tab, if you have legacy devices requiring PNAgent, leave Enable XenApp Services URL ticked, otherwise untick it.

    Screenshot of Create Store window XenApp Services tab

    Click Create

  7. When the store has been created, click Finish.

When a new store is created it also creates a new website to allow users to access the store. You can configure this website or create additional websites.

Create store