Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops

Proxy Support for VDA Upgrade Agent

Proxy Support for VDA Upgrade Agent has been added in 2311 VDA.

VDA Upgrade Agent from 2311 VDA i,e Version: 7.40 can recognize and send traffic through the Proxy.

VDA Upgrade Agent (VUA) Supports Proxy in the form of Hostname:Port (IP:Port) and PAC file.

Only HTTP proxies are supported. Packet decryption and inspection are not supported.

Proxy authentication is not supported. SOCKS5 is not supported.

Configuring VDA Upgrade Agent Proxy

VDA Upgrade Agent Proxy can be configured in 2 ways

  1. Configuring VDA Upgrade Agent Policy using Webstudio Policy.


  2. Select VDA upgrade proxy configuration from the Settings on the Create Policy page.


  3. Enable the setting. By default, the setting is disabled.


  4. Configuring VDA Upgrade Agent using Registry Key.


    The registry Key is set to Meta-Installer during VDA Installation.


    Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\VirtualDesktopAgent

    Value type: String

    Value name: ProxySettings

    Value data: Proxy address or path to pac file.

    For Example:

    1. Proxy address: http://<URL or IP>:<port>
    2. Pac file: http://<URL or IP>/<path/<filename>.pac
Proxy Support for VDA Upgrade Agent