Feature compatibility matrix

Citrix Director 7 2411 is compatible with:

  • Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 2112 and later
  • Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 1912 LTSR

Within each site, although you can use Director with earlier versions of Delivery Controller, all the features in the latest version of Director might not be available. Citrix recommends having Director, Delivery Controller, and the VDAs at the same version.


After you upgrade a Delivery Controller, you are prompted to upgrade the site when you open Studio. For more information, see the Upgrade Sequence section in Upgrade a deployment.

The first time you log in after a Director upgrade, a version check is performed on the configured sites. If any site is running a version of the Controller earlier than that of Director, a message appears on the Director console, recommending a site upgrade. Additionally, as long as the version of the site is older than that of Director, a note remains displayed on the Director Dashboard indicating this mismatch.


Earlier versions of Citrix Director do not display policies applied to user sessions running on recent VDA versions. Citrix Director 1912 and earlier versions do not display policies applied to user sessions running on VDA versions 2003 and later. Use Citrix Director versions 2003 and later to view those policies.

Specific Director features with the minimum version of Delivery Controller (DC), VDA and other dependent components required along with License Edition are listed below.

Director Version Feature Dependencies - min version required Edition
2411 Least used and unused published apps report on the Applications page DDC 7.16, VDAs 7.15 Platinum-licensed sites
2411 Enumerated application details for TCP or UDP apps on the Activity Manager VDA 2411 and DDC 2411 All
2411 Webhook configuration using PowerShell SDK VDA 2411 and DDC 2411 All
2411 Bulk alert dismissal VDA 2411 and DDC 2411 All
2411 Machine net active usage in Workload rightsizing page None All
2411 Cost savings by optimizing storage usage (Preview) None All
2411 Cost summary (Preview) None All
2411 Delivery Controller monitoring (Preview) VDA 2411 All
2411 Connecting Citrix components from the UI (Preview) VDA 2411 All
2407 Cost optimization None All
2407 Integrations and data exports VDA 2407 All
2407 Diagnose historical user sessions (Preview) VDA 2407 All
2407 Activity Manager for Secure Private Access session (Preview) VDA 2407 All
2407 Secure Private Access integration for TCP and UDP apps with Director (Preview) VDA 2407 All
2407 Infrastructure monitoring (Preview) VDA 2407 All
2407 Unregistered machines alert VDA 2407 and DDC 2407 All
2407 Machine uptime alert VDA 2407 and DDC 2407 All
2407 Failed power on action and Failed Power off action alert VDA 2407 and DDC 2407 All
2407 Capability to include CSV attachment in alert emails and JSON payload in alert Webhook VDA 2407 and DDC 2407 All
2407 Inspect machines with recent power actions VDA 2407 All
2407 Advanced alert policies VDA 2407 and DDC 2407 All
2407 Unified search for cloud and on-premises users DDC 2407 All
2407 Published application usage monitoring charts on Dashboard VDA 2407 and DDC 2407 Platinum-licensed sites
2402 LTSR Secure Private Access integration for web and SaaS apps with Director (Preview) VDA 2402 LTSR All
2402 LTSR Support for Microsoft Teams version 2.1 or earlier VDA 2402 LTSR All
2311 Play Back live and recorded sessions VDA 2308 and DDC 2311 All
2311 Session topology and performance metrics Multiple versions - link All
2311 Optimal screen resolution None All
2311 MS Teams Optimization VDA 2311 and DDC latest All
2311 Probes Overview enhancements None All
2311 Revamped Session Logon Duration view None All
2308 Probes summary and drilldown None All
2308 Citrix Probe Agent support for Citrix Gateway Multi-factor authentication Citrix Gateway All
2308 Disable Hypervisor Alerts None All
2308 Trends for Session Experience metrics None All
2305 Support authentication via Citrix Gateway None All
2305 Autoscale management in Director None All
2303 Failed Machines Alert DC 7 2303 Premium
2203 TLS 1.3 support - All
2212 Real-time GPU Utilization available for AMD GPUs DC 7.14 and VDA 7.14 running 64-bit Windows and HDX 3D Pro enabled All
2212 Advanced Probe Scheduling DC 7 1906 and Citrix Probe Agent 2209 Premium
1909 Configure on-prem sites with Citrix Analytics for Performance DC 7 1906 and VDA 1906 All
1906 Session Auto Reconnect DC 7 1906 and VDA 1906 All
1906 Session startup duration DC 7 1906 and VDA 1903 All
1906 Desktop probing DC 7 1906 and Citrix Probe Agent 1903 Premium
7.9 and later Citrix Profile Management Duration in Profile Load VDA 1903 All
1811 Profile Drilldown DC 7 1811 and VDA 1811 All
1811 Hypervisor Alerts Monitoring DC 7 1811 Premium
1811 Application probing DC 7 1811 and Citrix Application Probe Agent 1811 Premium
1811 Microsoft RDS license health DC 7 1811 and VDA 7.16 All
1811 Key RTOP Data display DC 7 1811 and VDA 1808 Premium
1808 Export of Filters data DC 7 1808 All
1808 Interactive Session drill down DC 7 1808 and VDA 1808 All
1808 GPO drill down DC 7 1808 and VDA 1808 All
1808 Machine historical data available using OData API DC 7 1808 All
7.18 Application probing DC 7.18 Premium (formerly Platinum)
7.18 Smart alert policies DC 7.18 Premium (formerly Platinum)
7.18 Health Assistant link None All
7.18 Interactive Session drill-down None All
7.17 PIV smart card authentication None All
7.16 Application Analytics DC 7.16 and VDA 7.15 All
7.16 OData API V.4 DC 7.16 All
7.16 Shadow Linux VDA users VDA 7.16 All
7.16 Domain local group support None All
7.16 Machine console access DC 7.16 All
7.15 Application failure monitoring DC 7.15 and VDA 7.15 All
7.14 Application-centric troubleshooting DC 7.13 and VDA 7.13 All
7.14 Disk Monitoring DC 7.14 and VDA 7.14 All
7.14 GPU Monitoring DC 7.14 and VDA 7.14 All
7.13 Transport protocol on Session Details panel DC 7.x and VDA 7.13 All
7.12 User-friendly Connection and Machine failure descriptions DC 7.12 and VDA 7.x All
7.12 Increased historical data availability in Enterprise edition DC 7.12 and VDA 7.x Enterprise
7.12 Custom Reporting DC 7.12 and VDA 7.x Premium (formerly Platinum)
7.11 Resource utilization reporting DC 7.11 and VDA 7.11 All
7.11 Alerting extended for CPU, memory and ICA RTT conditions DC 7.11 and VDA 7.11 Premium (formerly Platinum)
7.11 Export report improvements DC 7.11 and VDA 7.x All
7.11 Integration with Citrix ADM DC 7.11, VDA 7.x, and MAS version 11.1 Build 49.16 Premium (formerly Platinum)
7.9 Logon Duration breakdown DC 7.9 and VDA 7.x All
7.7 Proactive monitoring and alerting DC 7.7 and VDA 7.x Premium (formerly Platinum)
7.7 Windows Authentication Integration DC 7.x and VDA 7.x All
7.7 Single-session and Multi-session OS Usage DC 7.7 and VDA 7.x Premium (formerly Platinum)
7.6.300 Support for Framehawk virtual channel DC 7.6 and VDA 7.6 All
7.6.200 Session recording integration DC 7.6 and VDA 7.x Premium (formerly Platinum)
7 HDX Insight integration DC 7.6, VDA 7.x, and Citrix ADM Premium (formerly Platinum)
Feature compatibility matrix