StoreFront 1912 LTSR reached end-of-life on 18-Dec-2024. It is recommended that you upgrade to a newer version of StoreFront.


StoreFront 1912

Website shortcuts

Use website shortcuts to provide users with rapid access to desktops and applications from trusted websites hosted on the internal network. You generate URLs for resources available through the Citrix Receiver for Web site and embed these links on your websites. Users click a link and are redirected to the Receiver for Web site, where they log on if they have not already done so. The Receiver for Web site automatically starts the resource. In the case of applications, users are also subscribed to the application if they haven’t subscribed previously.

Before you can generate resource shortcuts, you must add the URLs of host websites to the trusted URLs list, using the Citrix StoreFront management console or using PowerShell.

By default, StoreFront warns users if they attempt to launch resource shortcuts from untrusted websites, but users can still choose to launch the resource. To stop these warnings from appearing, click Manage Receiver for Web Sites in the Stores pane > Click Configure > Choose Advanced Settings > Clear the Prompt for untrusted shortcuts option.

For security reasons, Internet Explorer users may be prompted to confirm that they want to start resources accessed through shortcuts. Instruct your users to add the StoreFront server FQDN the Local intranet or Trusted sites zones in Internet Explorer to avoid this extra step.

Add trusted websites using the management console

  1. On the Edit Receiver for web site screen, select the Website Shortcuts tab.

    Screenshot of Session Settings screen

  2. Click Add to enter the URL for a website on which you plan to host shortcuts. URLs must be specified in the form http[s]://hostname[:port], where host name is the fully qualified domain name of the website host, and port is the port used for communication with the host of the default port for the protocol unavailable. Paths to specific pages on the website are not required. To modify a URL, select the entry in the Websites list and click Edit. Select an entry in the list and click Remove to delete the URL for a website on which you no longer want to host shortcuts to resources available through the Citrix Receiver for Web site.

  3. Click Get shortcuts and copy the URLs you require for your website.

    Screenshot of Session Settings screen

Add trusted websites using PowerShell SDK

You can add trusted URLs using the Set-STFWebReceiverApplicationShortcuts PowerShell cmdlet.

Website shortcuts