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Multiple gateway instances as a cluster


Clustering of instances is supported also for Debian installations from SCG 1 2209.

By using clusters you achieve higher reliability and availability. If one Scout Cloud Gateway instance fails, another takes over. The second advantage is load balancing. Load balancing is controlled via the open VPN connections: When a device logs on, it is always forwarded to the gateway instance with the lowest load, meaning the lowest number of connections.


For reliable failover and fault tolerance, at least three instances are required in a cluster. This means that three databases (connected by clustering) are available on independent SCG instances in a so-called replica set. If you need more than three instances in a cluster, always use an uneven number.

Per instance 1024 devices can be connected.

To use the Scout Cloud Gateway to connect devices from the Internet, there are several possible scenarios:

  • Scout Cloud Gateway on one host as a single instance

  • Multiple gateway instances as a cluster

  • Operate multiple gateway instances in different networks separately

  • Group multiple gateway instances into several clusters

Once you have multiple gateway instances on the same network, they can form a cluster. Communication between the instances is secured by a cluster key. In previous versions, this cluster key has to be added for a new instance to be part of the cluster.(see Defining a new cluster instance (earlier versions)) From SCG 1 2209 onwards, this is done in the background:

To add a newly installed gateway instance to an existing cluster (or instance), just use the WebAdmin interface of the existing cluster instance with the Add gateway function of the Gateways view (from SCG 1 2209). There you have to authenticate with the administrator password of the new instance. Once the new instance is visible, you may specify the public access data for VPN under Configuration > Gateways. For further information, see Adding a new gateway instance.


When you add a new instance in the Gateways view, its configuration is overwritten with the cluster configuration. Normally, this is an advantage because you do not need to configure newly installed instances when they are to be clustered.

The configured public port must be opened in the firewall. All gateway addresses must be accessible from the outside.

The required network services are included.


When upgrading to a later SCG version, always upgrade all SCG instances of a cluster.

Multiple gateway instances as a cluster