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upilot Automated onboarding

– from [eLux RP 6 2302]–

uPilot is a Unicon service that simplifies onboarding of new eLux devices, for example for home devices, into a Scout infrastructure. The configuration of a new device is automated in a way that end users are able to on-board their device in a minimum of time – without having to know the address of their Scout Cloud Gateway. Especially when large numbers of devices need to be rolled out configured in short time, uPilot offers great support.

With uPilot, the assignment of the devices to their Scout Cloud Gateway is already defined before the actual roll-out:

uPilot is fed with a list of all devices that are to be connected. Customers specify the devices with a unique ID and a mapping to the URL of a Scout Cloud Gateway server.

uPilot Scheme

As soon as a device with appropriate prerequisites starts the First Configuration Wizard, the following will happen:

The device sends its ID to the uPilot web service (1) which returns the URL of the associated Scout Cloud Gateway server (2). From the user’s point of view, the only actions to be performed in the First Configuration Wizard are to select the display and keyboard language and to enter the logon data (3).


  • Scout Cloud Gateway is configured and the user is authorized via one of the supported authentication methods.

  • Software on the devices:

    • eLux RP 6 2302 or later In the eLux package eLux Desktop Extensions, the included feature package uPilot must be installed on the devices.

Customers provide the Unicon GmbH with a list of devices to be supported by uPilot and the associated Scout Cloud Gateway URLs. To do so, please contact the Unicon Support: myelux Support Case Form.

On-boarding a new device via uPilot

The following step-by-step instructions are from an end-user perspective.

  1. Switch on your device. If the device is not in initial state, reset the device configuration. To do so, on the system bar, open the Command panel and click Factory reset.

    The First Configuration Wizard starts.

  2. Select the display language and keyboard language.

  3. Enter your user logon data. If Active Directory is used for authentication, the username must be specified as a user principal name (UPN). Example: [mint@int.sampletec-01.com]

    First Configuration Wizard

    The relevant connection data are transferred via the Scout Cloud Gateway to the AD server. The AD user is checked, the Scout Server and OU are identified.

  4. Click Finish.

The device is restarted and then connected to its Scout Server via the Scout Cloud Gateway. The assignment to the appropriate Scout Cloud Gateway was made in the background by uPilot.

upilot Automated onboarding