Workspace Environment Management

Agent-side refresh operations

On the agent side, you can perform the following refresh operations:

  • Refresh cache. Use a command line to run AgentCacheUtility.exe in the agent installation folder, for example:
    • AgentCacheUtility.exe -RefreshCache
  • Refresh agent host settings. Use a command line to run AgentCacheUtility.exe in the agent installation folder, for example:
    • AgentCacheUtility.exe -RefreshSettings
  • Refresh workspace agents. When the agent is in UI mode, navigate to the agent menu and then click Refresh.
  If infrastructure service is online If infrastructure service is offline
Refresh cache Refreshing the cache synchronizes the agent local cache with the infrastructure service. The agent local cache cannot be refreshed.
Refresh agent host settings If the Use Cache Even When Online option is enabled, the agent applies the settings that it retrieves from the agent local cache rather than from the infrastructure service. In this case, refresh the cache before refreshing the settings. If the Use Cache Even When Online option is not enabled, the agent applies the settings that it retrieves from the infrastructure service. The agent applies the settings that it retrieves from the agent local cache.
Refresh workspace agents If the Use Cache Even When Online or the Use Cache to Accelerate Actions Processing option is enabled, the agent applies the settings that it retrieves from the agent local cache rather than from the infrastructure service. In this case, refresh the cache before refreshing the settings. If the Use Cache Even When Online and the Use Cache to Accelerate Actions Processing options are not enabled, the agent applies the settings that it retrieves from the infrastructure service. If the Enable Offline Mode option is enabled, the agent applies the user-assigned actions that it retrieves from the agent local cache. If the Enable Offline Mode option is not enabled, the agent does not work.
Agent-side refresh operations