Workspace Environment Management


Provides reports that let you analyze your deployments.


This page provides reports that let you analyze your deployments. Reports are generated on a per-event basis. However, not all events generate corresponding reports. Currently, events of the following types generate reports.

  • Application security logs

    • Each time you enable the Application security logs, a corresponding record is generated. We consolidate those records into a single report every four hours. Within the details of each report, administrators can view the logs by subtype. The table includes information such as the filter used, Event time, Event type, Result code, Result summary, Severity, list of agents and users, and the Configuration set. The table also includes the following subtypes.

    • EXE and DLL
    • MSI and script
    • Packaged app deployment
    • Packaged app execution

      When you enable Application security logs, you can view all the four EXE and DLL, MSI and script, Packaged app deployment, and Packaged app execution subtype reports in the web console, but cannot view the report corresponding to each subtype separately. The table provides the logs for the fields Time, Rule name, Event ID, Target, and Result. The result of this selection can be Allowed, Audited, or Blocked.

  • Privilege elevation and process hierarchy control logs

    • Each time you enable the Privilege elevation and process hierarchy control logs, a corresponding record is generated. We consolidate those records into a single report every four hours. Within the details of each report, administrators can view the logs by subtype. The table includes information such as the filter used, Event time, Event type, Result code, Result summary, Severity, list of agents and users, and the Configuration set. You can choose from the four security aspects to view more details.

    • EXE privilege elevation. When the EXE privilege elevation subtype is selected, the table provides the logs for the fields Time, Process, Command line, Rule name, and Result. The result of the elevation can either be a success or a failure.

    • MSI privilege elevation. When the MSI privilege elevation subtype is selected, the table provides the logs for the fields Time, Packages, Command line, Rule name, and Result. The result of the elevation can either be a success or a failure.

    • Self-elevation. When the Self-elevation subtype is selected, the table provides the logs for the fields Time, Process, Rule name, Reason and Result. The result of the elevation can either be a success or a failure.


    Enabling the Show failures only toggle displays only the records with the result Failure and hides the rest.

    • Process hierarchy control. When you select the Process hierarchy control subtype, the table provides the logs for the fields Time, Child process, Parent process ID, Rule name, and Result. The result of this selection results in displaying either a blocked or allowed activity.


    • You see the error icon on the security aspect tab when at least one failure occurs in each subtype.
    • Enabling the Show blocked only toggle displays only the records with the result Blocked and hides the rest.
  • Action processing results

    • Each time an action is assigned, a corresponding record is generated. We consolidate those records into a single report every four hours. The report includes all action processing results for the user logged on to the agent machine. You can select an action type to view details in a tabular format. The table includes information such as the name of the action, the user the action is assigned to, the filter used, and the processing result (status). There are three statuses:

      • Applied (processed). Means that the action was applied to the target user successfully (or processed successfully).
      • Outdated. Means that the action processed is not the latest. This happens when an action gets updated but not yet applied.
      • Error. An error occurred while applying the action. To troubleshoot, enable debug mode to view the logs of the agent. See View log files.
    • Currently, you can view only Group Policy setting and JSON file processing results. To enable results collection, see Monitoring preferences.

  • Scripted task

    • Each time a task runs, a corresponding report is generated. The reports include information about when the task runs, the task execution results, and more.
    • Both built-in and custom tasks generate reports. In those reports, we provide predefined report data. When adding custom tasks, you can customize the data to be reported. If the predefined report data does not suit your needs, consider using the extended data for further analysis.
  • Profile container status

    • Each time a profile container is attached, a corresponding attach record is generated. We consolidate those records into a single report on a daily basis. The report includes information about the basic usage data of the profile containers, the status of sessions using the profile containers, the issues detected, and more. With the information, you can track storage usage for profile containers and identify problems that prevent profile containers from working.
  • Optimization and usage

    • With Enable data collection and upload for optimization and usage insights enabled for a configuration set on its Advanced Settings > Insights page, the agent collects and uploads optimization and usage data on a daily basis. A report based on the data collected is generated.
  • Optimization and usage insights

    • Each time you apply insights for a configuration set, a corresponding report on optimization and usage is generated. The reports let you gain insights into application behavior. We aggregate usage and optimization insights into one report.


    On the Optimization Insights or the Usage Insights page of Monitoring > Insights, you apply insights by selecting a configuration set and a date range. We maintain only one report for insights applied using the same configuration set and date range. Applying insights using the same configuration set and date range updates the report later.

  • Profile Management health check

    • The agent runs Profile Management health checks every 24 hours or on demand. A corresponding report is then generated. The report contains the following elements:

      • Date and time when the report was generated
      • Detailed information such as the associated agent and configuration set
      • Issues (for example, errors and warnings) found, along with fix recommendations
    • To fix the errors/warnings and to reach the required profile management settings, click More > Profile > View Profile Management health check report in the Statistics tab of the Agents page, that leads you to the Reports page. You can then select Profile Management Settings under Results to change/update your Profile Management settings under the Details tab of the Profile Management health check page, that leads you to the Profile Management configuration page. You can cycle through all the errors/warnings in the footer that have the corresponding setting highlighted, and make the required change to the configuration.
    • To change your Profile Management settings, go to Profile Management Settings. To customize the scope of settings to cover in a report, go to Advanced Settings > Monitoring Preferences under that configuration set.
    • If you set the filter by selecting the Application delivery task results event type, the agent will display only the corresponding report. However, the Application delivery task results page provides only the Raw data.

Each report appears as a table record. Those reports provide useful diagnostic information that can inform your action. For example, you can check reports based on event severity. Based on the severity level, you can decide what action to take.


We have pre-defined levels of severity for certain reports, for example, built-in scripted task reports.

For a scripted task, the Result code column can provide the following information:

  • 0: Indicates that the task has run successfully.
  • -4: Appears when attempts to verify the checksum of the executable file you provided failed.
  • -5: Appears when attempts to verify the signature of the executable file failed. Possible causes: no valid signature at the end of the executable file, or signature verification failure because of certificate missing.
  • -8: Appears when the task was canceled due to a timeout.

For information about result codes (status codes) of profile container status, see the Microsoft documentation Remember: “-1” means that WEM might not retrieve the status code.

  • VHD Disk Compaction: Each time Citrix Profile Management VHD disk compaction is completed, a corresponding report is generated. The report includes information about the container, trigger condition, size before compaction, size after compaction, and more. With the information obtained, you can effectively track changes in container storage usage. To enable the reports collection for VHD disk compaction, see Monitoring preferences.

Columns to display and filters

You can customize the display of the table. Click Columns to display to choose which columns you want to display. When customizing columns, you must select at least two columns. After you complete your customization, the table refreshes to display the columns you select.

You can click a column header to sort. You can apply filters to filter reports.

View more details of a report

You can select a report for more detailed information. To do that, locate the report and then click the ellipsis on the right. The report wizard appears. It contains two tabs:

  • Details. Provides a detailed result summary.
  • Raw data. Provides raw data related to the report. The extended data is in JSON format. If needed, use the extended data for further analysis.

For a scripted task that has Highlight regular expression matches enabled, you can see the following option on the Details tab of its report:

  • View regular expression matches. Lets you view regular expression matches in detail.

Export reports

You can export the data in each report using the following methods:

  • Export reports
  • Export to third-party platform

Export reports

To export the data in each report to a CSV or JSON format, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Export > Export to CSV or JSON. The export wizard appears.

  2. Select the export format from the following options:

    • CSV. This option exports raw data in CSV format.
    • CSV (formatted). This choice enhances the readability of extended data in CSV format.
    • JSON. This option exports raw data in JSON format.
    • JSON (formatted). This choice improves the readability of extended data in JSON format.

In addition, the formatted options can parse the script task reports into variables if the report content follows the format variable = value or variable: value. However, if you choose the CSV (formatted) option, some of the excessive number of columns might be omitted in the exported data.

  1. Optionally, select Save a copy of the export to your local machine. The export is saved to the default download location of your browser.

  2. Click Export.


  • You can export up to 50,000 records (reports). When the number of records to export exceeds the limit, only the top 50,000 are exported. Citrix recommends that you use filters to reduce the number of records to 50,000 or fewer.
  • While an export is in progress, you cannot perform another export.
  • If an export does not complete within 30 minutes, you no longer receive notifications about it. Go to Files to view the export result later.
  • When exporting reports, the export is saved to the cloud storage. The cloud storage has a storage limit. When you reach the limit, you cannot proceed with the export. In that case, go to Files and delete unnecessary files to free up space. See Files.

Export to third-party platform

By exporting report data to a third-party platform, you can analyze and monitor the execution of tasks seamlessly. You can also complete some customized special requirements in the third-party platforms, such as VDA host information, CPU utilization, memory utilization, and so on.

You can export reports to third-party platforms either manually or automatically.

Manually export to third-party platform

To manually export the data in each report to a third-party platform, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Export > Export to third-party platform.

  2. In the Export to third-party platform pane, pick one of the third-party platform names in the Destination dropdown or select Add new.


    Currently, Grafana and Splunk are the supported third-party platforms.

    If you select Add new in the Add destination pane, enter the required third-party platform details.

  3. Click Export. After the export process is complete, you can go to the destination location (in this case, Grafana) and see the exported report data.

Automatically - Configure automatic report

To automatically export the data in each report to a third-party platform, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Export > Configure automatic report.

  2. In the Configure automatic export pane, click Add rule.

  3. In the Add rule pane, enter the required third-party platform details.

  4. Click Done to save the configuration changes of the newly added rule.
