Workspace offline mode prompt

The new prompt brings enhancements in the following areas: improved design, enhanced behavior, and loading time.


The new prompt now appear as a pop-up on the screen. Previously, the prompt appeared as a new page that required the user to either reinitiate the authentication or work offline. However, the new pop-up design doesn’t need a mandatory response from a user. It provides an option to the user to choose the offline mode if they encounter any connectivity issues. The new prompt is less intrusive and allows users to continue with their ongoing authentication process.

Offline mode prompt

Additionally, the new prompt is movable, allowing the user to drag it anywhere on the screen to see the content behind it.

Behavior and loading time

Significant enhancements are made to the behavior and loading time of the offline mode prompt.

Old behavior: Previously, the prompt appeared within 30 seconds after the user entered the store URL in the browser. Sometimes it might take some extra time for users to sign in to Workspace store due to reasons such as waiting for a push notification, entering 2-factor authentication code, webpage loading time, etc. If user authentication exceeds the 30-seconds threshold due to these reasons, the prompt would appear, interrupting the authentication process.

The user response to the prompt is mandatory and leaves them with only two options: either switch to offline mode or retry the authentication process. Choosing the retry option required the user to reinitiate the whole process, and they had no option to continue with the ongoing authentication process once the prompt window appears.

New behavior: The enhanced offline prompt is less intrusive, as it doesn’t interrupt the ongoing user authentication. Users can choose either to continue with the authentication process or can use the offline mode if they are facing any connectivity issues.

The offline mode prompt now appears on the webpage only after 60 seconds, without interrupting the ongoing user authentication process. Due to some reasons if IdP domain fails to respond, the browser doesn’t load any page. In such scenarios, a dialog box appears for offline mode instead of the usual pop-up prompt.

Workspace offline mode prompt