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How to use uDocs

Administrator’s Guides describe all features and functionality of a product or component in detail. They can be used as a reference manual. For some procedures and best practices, we provide Short guides to help you perform particular tasks. Whitepapers give an overview of benefits and services, standards or technical topics.

This documentation refers to the latest product versions. Any features added or changed for a particular release are listed in the Release Notes on www.myelux.de.


  • HTML 5 based internet browser
  • Use the tree view on the left side to browse the desired contents.

  • Use the arrow buttons in the upper right section to flip through the pages of a guide.icon

Use the search field in the upper right section and type one or more search terms to start full-text search across all uDocs documents.

search icon

  • Search is not case-sensitive
  • Search finds matches with variant endings. Type a partial word (at least 4 characters) to find all terms beginning with these characters. The wild-card character [*] is not supported.
  • To find a specific combination of words, enter the search string within quotation marks
    Example: ["Dynamic Client Group"]
  • By default, the search terms are linked by [AND].To link your search terms explicitly by [AND], use the [+] sign or the operator [AND].
    Example: [local AND password]
  • To link search terms by [OR] use the pipe symbol |or the operator [OR].
    Example: [local OR password]
  • To find topics that contain one term but not the other, use the carat symbol ^ Example: [dynamic \^client]
  • Use parentheses () to combine terms
    Example: [local +(disk|flash)]


Representation Description
Control element All graphical user interface controls are displayed in bold.
[Menu > menu command] Multiple sequential steps through the interface such as menus or dialog are separated by >.
Value All data that have to be entered by the user or data that represent a field value are displayed in Courier New. Also, file names and path names are displayed in Courier New.
[Strg] Keys to be pressed are displayed in [capital letters].
[] Placeholders in instructions and user input are displayed in italics and in <angle brackets>.
  1. Instruction
Procedures to be carried out step by step are realized as numbered steps.
Result System responses and results are displayed in italics.

Abbreviations and acronyms

Abbreviation Description
AD Active Directory, directory service of Microsoft Windows Server
DMZ Demilitarized zone. Systems in a DMZ are protected against other networks by firewall rules.
EBKGUI Interface of the eLux Builder Kit (Tool for creating eLux software packages)
EPM eLux package module ([.epm], software package)
FPM Feature package module ([.fpm], part of a software package)
FQDN Fully qualified domain name. DNS name that uniquely identifies a computer on the network, example: client1.sampletec-01.com
GB Gigabyte
GHz Gigahertz (processing speed)
HDD Hard disk drive (flash memory)
IDF Image Definition File ([.idf])
IIS Internet Information Services, Microsoft Web server
MB Megabyte
OU Organizational unit. Unit or group within the organizational structure
VM Virtual machine
VPN Virtual Private Network

Printing and Downloads

For each topic, a Print icon is provided in the left upper section.

PDF versions of the current online guides are available for download on the PDF downloads page. Note that a PDF document does not necessarily have the most recent state of the web version.

Gender note

For ease of reading, the linguistic form of the generic masculine is used for users and administrators and their pronouns. Any occurrence of the exclusive masculine shall be explicitly understood to be gender-independent.

How to use uDocs