Citrix Provisioning

Managing farm administrators

Farm administrators can view and manage all objects within a farm. Farm administrators can also create new sites and manage role memberships throughout the entire farm. In the Console, farm-level tasks can only be performed by farm administrators. For example, only a farm administrator can create a new site within the farm.

When the farm is first configured using the Configuration Wizard, the administrator that creates the farm is automatically assigned the Farm Administrator role. While configuring the farm, that administrator selects the option to use either Windows or Active Directory credentials for user authorization within the farm. After the Configuration Wizard is run, additional groups can be assigned the Farm Administrator role in the Console.

To assign additional Farm Administrators

Note: The authorization method displays to indicate if Windows or Active Directory credentials are used for user authorization in this farm.

  1. In the Console, right-click on the farm to which the administrator role will be assigned, then select Properties.The Farm Properties dialog appears.
  2. On the Groups tab, highlight all the groups that will be assigned administrative roles in this farm, then click Add.
  3. On the Security tab, highlight all groups to which the Farm Administrator role will be assigned, the click Add.
  4. Click OK to close the dialog box.
Managing farm administrators