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SCG administrators

– from [SCG 1 2103] –

The Scout Cloud Gateway comes with an admin account that has full access. Optionally, you can define additional administrator accounts. To each administrator, assign one of the following roles:

Role Rights
Admin Unrestricted access
Operator Access is restricted to
  • the Devices view including certificate revocation
  • the Info dialog with download link for the diagnostic files
  • the User profile dialog

Defining new administrator account

  1. Under SCG administrators, click Add user

  2. Enter a username and a password for it. Repeat the password.

  3. Select either the Admin or Operator role.

  4. Confirm with Save.

The password is stored as a hash value in the database. The new administrator can log on immediately with his credentials.

SCG Config Admins

1 Define a new account
2 Specify its username and password
3 Select a role
4 Delete this account

All accounts defined by you are listed with their username and role

In the User profile dialog the logged on administrator can see with which account and role he is logged on and since when.

SCG administrators