XenMobile Server

Files device policy

You can add and deploy files for users to access on their Android and Android Enterprise devices. You specify the directory where you want to store the file on the device. For example, you want users to receive a company document or .pdf file. Deploy the file to devices and let users know where the file is located.

Android devices don’t support running scripts natively. Users need third-party software to run scripts.

You can add the following file types with this policy:

  • Text-based files (.xml, .html, .py, and so on)
  • Other files, such as documents, pictures, spreadsheets, or presentations

To add or configure this policy, go to Configure > Device Policies. For more information, see Device policies.

Android Enterprise settings

Image of Files Device Policy Android Enterprise

  • File to be imported: To select the file to import, click Browse and navigate to the file location.
  • File type: Select File.
  • Destination folder: In the list, select the location in which to store the uploaded file or click Add new to choose an unlisted file location. You can use the macros %XenMobile Folder%\ or %Flash Storage%\ as the start of any path identifier.
  • Destination file name: Optional. If you must change a file name before deploying it to a device, type the file name.
  • If file exists: In the list, select whether to copy an existing file. The default is Copy file only if different.

Android settings

  • File to be imported: Select the file to import by clicking Browse and navigating to the file’s location.
  • File type: Select File.
  • Destination folder: In the list, select the location in which to store the uploaded file or click Add new to choose an unlisted file location. ALSO, you can use the macros %XenMobile Folder%\ or %Flash Storage%\ as the start of a path identifier.
  • Destination file name: Optionally, type a different name for the file if it must be changed before being deployed on a device.
  • Copy file only if different: In the list, select whether to copy the file if it is different from the existing file. The default is to copy the file only if it is different.
Files device policy