XenMobile Server

Tunnel device policy

Application tunnels (app tunnels) are designed to increase service continuity and data transfer reliability for your mobile apps. App tunnels define proxy parameters between the client component of any mobile device app and the app server component. You can configure the Tunnel policy for Android devices.

Any app traffic sent through a tunnel that you define in this policy goes through XenMobile before being redirected to the server running the app.

To add or configure this policy, go to Configure > Device Policies. For more information, see Device policies.

Android settings

Image of Device Policies configuration screen

  • Connection initiated by: Click Device or Server to specify the source starting the connection.

  • Maximum connections per device: Type a number to specify how many concurrent TCP connections the app can establish. This field applies only to device-initiated connections.

  • Define connection time out: Select whether to set a length of time an app can be idle before the tunnel is closed.

    • Connection time out: If you set Define connection time out to On, type the length of time in seconds that an app can be idle before the tunnel is closed.
  • Block cellular connections passing by this tunnel: Select whether this tunnel is blocked while roaming. Wi-Fi and USB connections aren’t blocked.

  • Redirect to XenMobile: Select Through app settings.

  • Client port: Type the client port number. Usually, this value is the same as for the server port.

  • IP address or server name: Type the IP address or name of the app server. This field applies only to device-initiated connections.

  • Server port: Type the server port number.

Tunnel device policy