XenMobile Server

Release Notes for XenMobile Server 10.15 Rolling Patch 7 Release

These release notes describe enhancements and fixed and known issues for XenMobile Server 10.15 Rolling Patch 7. You can download the XenMobile Server 10.15 Rolling Patch 7 software binaries at Sign-in to Download.

What’s new

  • Support block third party apps for iOS 17.4 and later: In Restriction policy, a new setting Alternative App Marketplace has been added to prevent installation of alternative marketplace apps from the web and prevent any installed alternative marketplace apps from installing apps. For more information, see Restrictions device policy.

  • Show an alert on XMS console if there are MDX apps with legacy MDX mode published: An alert is displayed on XenMobile Server console if you have MDX apps with legacy MDX mode published. For more information, see Legacy MDX Deprecation Alert in Server Properties.

  • Support for Firebase Cloud Messaging migrated to use new http v1 API: The FCM legacy APIs for HTTP is going to be deprecated from Google on June 21, 2024. To make FCM work well with the new API, a new field Service Account Key File has been added to page Firebase Cloud Messaging for you to upload the service account key JSON file. For more information, see Firebase Cloud Messaging.

    XenMobile Server has a new property afw.fcm.httpv1.migration, which allows you to use Firebase Cloud Messaging with new HTTP v1 API. The default value of this property is False. For more information, see Server properties.

    To enable FCM API V1 for XenMobile Server 10.15 Rolling Patch 7 and later, see the Knowledge Center article CTX677031.

Fixed issues

  • For Apple Business Manager (ABM) Shared iPad, XenMobile Server displays logged-in users as “anonymous” if they are not present in the server’s database before enrollment. [CXM-114792]
  • When the public VPP app that supports both MacOS and iOS platforms is synchronized to XenMobile, only the iOS platform is displayed and the MacOS platform is missing. [CXM-114819]
  • Some iOS public apps on XenMobile Server cannot be located in the Apple Store. [CXM-114959]
  • After upgrading to XenMobile Server 10.15 RP6, the DEP setting “Wait for configuration to complete setup” no longer takes effect, causing the DEP setup assistance page to appear quickly instead of waiting to receive the policies. [CXM-115019]
  • An error message “java.util.ConcurrentModificationException” is displayed on the Manage tab when signing in to XenMobile Server console after upgrade. [CXM-115579]
  • After upgrading to XenMobile Server 10.15 RP6, optional web links continuously reinstall. [CXM-115751]
  • In XenMobile Server console > Restrictions > Android Enterprise, the tooltip description for the policy setting Configure mobile networks is incorrect in German. [CXM-115870]

For information about previous rolling patches for XenMobile Server 10.15.0, see Release notes for Rolling Patches.

Release Notes for XenMobile Server 10.15 Rolling Patch 7 Release