App preferences


Configuration files

To change advanced or less common settings, you can modify Citrix Workspace app’s configuration files. These configuration files are read each time wfica starts. You can update various files depending on the effect you want the changes to have.

If session sharing is enabled, an existing session might be used instead of a newly reconfigured one. This setting might cause the session to ignore changes you made in a configuration file.

Default settings

If you want to change the default for all Citrix Workspace app users, modify the module.ini configuration file in the $ICAROOT/config directory.


If an entry in All\_Regions.ini is set to a specific value, the value for that entry in module.ini isn’t used. The values in All\_Regions.ini take precedence over the value in module.ini.

Template file

If the $HOME/.ICAClient/wfclient.ini file does not exist, wfica creates it by copying $ICAROOT/config/wfclient.template. When you change this template file, the changes are applied to all the Citrix Workspace app users.

User settings

To apply configuration changes for a user, modify the wfclient.ini file in the user’s $HOME/.ICAClient directory. The settings in this file apply to future connections for that user.

Validate configuration file entries

To limit the values for entries in wfclient.ini, specify the allowed options or ranges of options in All\_Regions.ini.

If you specify only one value, that value is used. The $HOME/.ICAClient/All\_Regions.ini file can match or reduce the possible values set in the $ICAROOT/config/All\_Regions.inifile, it can’t take away restrictions.


The value set in wfclient.ini takes precedence over the value in module.ini.


The parameters listed in each file are grouped into sections. Each section begins with a name in brackets that indicates parameters that belong together; for example, \[ClientDrive\] for parameters related to client drive mapping (CDM).

Defaults are automatically supplied for any missing parameters except where indicated. If a parameter is present but not assigned a value then the default value is automatically applied. For example, consider the InitialProgram parameter is followed by an equal sign (=) and no value is provided. In this example, the default value (not to run a program after logging in) is applied.


The All\_Regions.ini file specifies parameters that the other files can set. It can restrict the values of parameters or set them exactly.

For any given connection, the files are checked in the following order:

  1. All\_Regions.ini - The values in this file override those values in:
    • The connections .ICA file
    • wfclient.ini
  2. module.ini - The values in this file are used if they have not been set in All\_Regions.ini, the connections .ICA file, or wfclient.ini. However, these values aren’t restricted with the entries in All\_Regions.ini.

If no value is found in any of these files, the default in the Citrix Workspace app code is used.


There are exceptions to this order of precedence. For example, the code reads some values specifically from wfclient.ini for security reasons.

Creating custom user-agent strings in network request

Starting with the 2109 version, Citrix Workspace app introduces an option to append the User-Agent strings in the network request and identify the source of a network request. Based on this User-Agent strings request, you can decide how to manage your network request. This feature allows you to accept network requests only from trusted devices.


  • This feature is supported on cloud deployments of Citrix Workspace app. Also, x86, x64, and ARMHF are the supported packages.

To customize the User-Agent strings, do the followings:

  1. Locate the $ICAROOT/config/AuthManConfig.xml configuration file.
  2. Add a value to the following entry:

<UserAgentSuffix> </UserAgentSuffix>

Example that includes App and Version in the customized text:

<UserAgentSuffix>App/AppVersion </UserAgentSuffix>

If you’re adding App and AppVersion, separate them by a forward slash (“/”).

  • If the network request is from the UI-based Citrix Workspace app, the following User-Agent appears in the network requests:

    CWAWEBVIEW/CWAVersion App/AppVersion

  • If the network request isn’t from the UI-based Citrix Workspace app, the following User-Agent appears in the network requests:

    CWA/CWAVersion App/AppVersion


  • If you aren’t adding AppVersion at the end of the UserAgentSuffix string, the Citrix Workspace app version is appended in the network requests.
  • Restart AuthManagerDaemon and ServiceRecord for the changes to take effect.


Configure special folder redirection

In this context, there are only two special folders for each user:

  • The user’s Desktop folder
  • The user’s Documents folder (My Documents on Windows XP)

Special folder redirection enables you to specify the locations of a user’s special folders. As a result, these folders remain fixed across different server types and server farm configurations. It is important if, for example, a mobile user logs on to servers in different server farms. For static, desk-based workstations, where the user can log on to servers that reside in a single-server farm, special folder redirection is rarely necessary.

To configure special folder redirection:

Enable special folder redirection by making an entry in the module.ini file and specify the folder locations as follows:

  1. Navigate to the $ICAROOT/config/module.ini file.
  2. Go to the [ClientDrive] section and add the following entry:

  3. Navigate to the $HOME/.ICAClient/wfclient.ini file.
  4. Go to the [WFClient] section and add the following entry:


    where documents and desktop are the UNIX file names, including the full path, of the directories to use as the users Documents and Desktop folders respectively. For example:

    DesktopFolder = $HOME/.ICAClient/desktop

    • You can specify any component in the path as an environment variable, for example, $HOME.
    • Specify values for both parameters.
    • The directories you specify must be available through client device mapping. That is, the directory must be in the subtree of a mapped client device.
    • Use the drive letters C or higher.
App preferences