App Protection
App Protection provides an extra level of security by blocking key logging and screen capture. For more information, see the App Protection documentation.
When accessing a store through a web browser, apps requiring App Protection are hidden by default. StoreFront must be configured to display protected apps. When accessing a store through Citrix Workspace app, no StoreFront configuration is required.
App Protection for launches from Citrix Workspace app
When users access the store using a supported version of Citrix Workspace app, StoreFront displays all resources requiring App Protection. No additional StoreFront configuration is required.
App Protection for hybrid launch
When users access a store through a web browser, apps requiring App Protection are hidden by default. StoreFront 2308 and higher can be configured to display protected resources when it detects the following minimum versions for the Citrix Workspace app:
App | Version |
Citrix Workspace app for Windows | 1912 |
Citrix Workspace app for Mac | 2001 |
Citrix Workspace app for Linux | 2108 |
StoreFront does not display protected resources when using earlier versions of Citrix Workspace app, or on iOS, Android, ChromeOS, or when launching apps in the browser.
To find out whether App Protection for hybrid launch is available for a store website, use the PowerShell SDK cmdlet Get-STFWebReceiverAppProtection. For example:
$receiver = Get-STFWebReceiverService -VirtualPath "/Citrix/StoreWeb"
Get-STFWebReceiverAppProtection -WebReceiverService $receiver
To allow StoreFront to display protected apps on supported Citrix Workspace app versions, use the PowerShell cmdlet Set-STFWebReceiverAppProtection. For example:
$receiver = Get-STFWebReceiverService -virtualPath "/Citrix/StoreWeb"
Set-STFWebReceiverAppProtection -WebReceiverService $receiver -Enabled On
If the user has chosen to open resources in their web browser, either through admin configuration or because the user chose Use light version, App Protection is not available. You can configure the store to always launch using locally installed Citrix Workspace app, see Citrix Workspace app deployment.
StoreFront determines the Citrix Workspace app version Using Citrix Workspace Web Extension if it is available and configured (see Browser extension based client detection). Otherwise Storefront determines the Citrix Workspace app version as part of client detection the first time the user goes to the store website. If the user skips detection by choosing Already installed then StoreFront is unable to determine the app version so does not display protected applications. Therefore it is recommended that you disable the Already installed option, see Citrix Workspace app deployment.
If Citrix Workspace Web Extension is not available, StoreFront determines the Citrix Workspace app version the first time the user goes to the website. If the user subsequently installs a different version of Workspace app then StoreFront will not be aware of the change, so may incorrectly allow or disallow launching protected apps. Citrix recommends configuring App Protection Posture Check which blocks launching virtual apps and desktops from Citrix Workspace app versions that do not support App Protection.