
Pinned links


This functionality is available only using the modern experience.

Custom URLs on StoreFront UI refer to customer-defined hyperlinks that provide quick access to specific websites. This feature functions as a shortcut that helps users to efficiently navigate to websites directly from the StoreFront UI. Important links, such as support websites or company portals, can be made available to the users without needing them to search for these links. It makes the navigation effortless and faster. This feature is only available on the modern experience.


To add a pinned link:

  1. Go to Edit Receiver for web site and select the Pinned Links tab.

    Screenshot of pinned links tab

  2. Click Add.

    Screenshot of add pinned link screen

  3. Enter the name, link, tool tip, and browse for the icon.

  4. Preview the updates and click OK.

    These links appear on top of the store for quick access.

    Pinned links

Pinned links