Workspace Environment Management

Use Windows events as triggers to detect VDA registration issues

As an administrator, when you encounter VDA registration issues, you might need to log on to each VDA to run the Citrix Health Assistant to troubleshoot VDA registration issues.

With Workspace Environment Management (WEM), you can use Windows events as triggers to detect VDA registration issues. You then associate the triggers with the scripted task, Cloud Health Check. The task is then triggered to run to identify possible causes. Finally, you can use the task report to resolve issues accordingly. This enables you to stay on top of any VDA registration issues and resolve them in time before more users are impacted.

A general workflow to achieve the goal is as follows:

  1. Get Windows event logs relating to VDA registration issues.

  2. Create a Windows event trigger to detect VDA registration issues.

  3. Associate the Windows event trigger with the task, Cloud Health Check.

  4. View the task execution report.

Get Windows event logs

You need to collect Windows event logs resulting from unregistered VDAs. The information provides clues to understanding the reasons VDAs are unregistered.

The following is an example message in Windows Event Log relating to an unregistered VDA.

Windows event log - example message

Create a Windows event trigger

The following information is supplemental to the guidance in Create a trigger. To add a Windows event trigger, follow the general guidance in that article, minding the details below.

  • Go to the relevant configuration set, navigate to Triggers, and create a trigger named UnregisteredEventLogTrigger.

    Create trigger - Windows event

    In this example, configure settings as follows:

    • For Trigger type, select Windows event.

    • For Trigger criteria:

      • Event type: Warning
      • Event ID: 1017
      • Message: The Citrix Desktop Service failed to register with any Delivery Controller

Associate the Windows event trigger with Cloud Health Check task

The following information is supplemental to the guidance in Configure a scripted task. To configure the Cloud Health Check task, follow the general guidance in that article, minding the details below.

  • Go to the relevant configuration set, navigate to Scripted Task Settings, and configure the Cloud Health Check task.

    Create scripted task - triggers

    In this example, configure settings as follows:

    • In Triggers, select the UnregisteredEventLogTrigger trigger to associate it with the Cloud Health Check task.

View the task execution report

When VDAs are in an unregistered state, the WEM agent detects the corresponding Windows event log. The Cloud Health Check task runs automatically. You can view the results by checking the reports. For more information, see Reports. In this example, you can see the following report:

Task execution report - Windows event trigger

Based on the report, you can analyze and resolve the issues accordingly.

Use Windows events as triggers to detect VDA registration issues