Workspace Environment Management

Upload files


This article applies to uploading files when using the legacy console.

You can use Upload to upload files you want to import or add to the Workspace Environment Management administration console. The Upload option is available in the menu on the WEM service Manage tab.

This feature is useful in scenarios where you want to:

  • Use the Restore wizard to restore your WEM settings to WEM service. Those settings include:

    • Security settings
    • AD objects
    • Configuration set

    For more information, see Ribbon.

  • Use the Migrate wizard to migrate a zip backup of your Group Policy Objects (GPOs) to WEM service. For more information, see Ribbon.

  • Import your registry files. For more information, see Registry Entries.

  • Add custom icons for your applications. For more information, see Applications.

The files you upload are saved to the default folder (DefaultUploadFolder) in Citrix Cloud.

To upload a file, complete the following steps:

  1. In Manage > Legacy Console, hover over the hamburger menu and then click the Citrix Workspace app icon.

    Hamburger menu in Manage > Legacy Console

  2. Click Upload to upload the file to the default folder in Citrix Cloud.

    Citrix Workspace app for HTML5 toolbar

    Keep the following limitations in mind when using this feature to upload your files:

    • File count limit. This feature supports uploading multiple files at a time. By default, it supports storing up to 10 files for every account. Uploaded files are handled on a first-come, first-deleted basis.
    • File size limit. By default, you can upload only files whose size is smaller than 5 MB.
    • File sync interval. By default, this feature synchronizes uploaded files to the Azure storage every 30 minutes.

    If you want to change the defaults, contact Citrix Technical Support.

When you attempt to add or restore the uploaded files to the administration console for the first time after an upgrade, you might find that they are not available for use. The issue might also occur the first time you use the console. Possible causes:

  • Those files have not yet been downloaded from the Azure storage. Downloading them to the administration console can take some time to complete. Exit the administration console and try again later.
  • An error might occur while downloading those files. If the problem persists, contact Citrix Technical Support.
Upload files

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