Prepare in On-Premises CVAD
Before proceeding, please make sure your CVAD product is revision CR2407 or later, and key components such as Web Studio are all installed correctly.
Step 1: Enable WebSocket Feature in DDC
Open a powershell and run follow command, then reboot the DDC New-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Citrix\DesktopServer\WorkerProxy" -Name "WebSocket_Enabled" -PropertyType "DWord" -Value 1 -Force
Step 2: Create the Machine Catalog and generate enrollment token for VDA
Create an empty Single-session OS catalog with no PVS/MCS and no power managed from the web studio. Right click the empty catalog, click Manage Enrollment Tokens.
Click Generate and Input the token name, select the Start date and End data. Input the times the token can be used. Click Generate, copy or download the token.
You can refer to the 1st step of DaaS part for screenshots that are mostly similar.
Step 3: Export self-signed certificate on DDC machines, and then install certs on each VDA machine
Run MMC to open the console, and then
File>Add/Remove Snap-in..>Certificates>Add>Computer account>Next>Finish>OK
Export Certificates with Certificates(Local Computer)>Personal>Certificates.
Select the certificate > All Tasks > Export.
Execute steps 2.1-2.3 in other DDCs on the same site.
Step 4: Trust the certificates in Citrix VDA for macOS machine
Open the certificates by Keychain Access app, and make sure the certificates are added to the System keychain.
Find the certificates in System keychain, and set them to Always Trust for at least two categories:
- Secure socket Layer(SSL)
- X.509 Basic Policy
to enable VDA enrollment and registration.
Alternatively, you can execute the following commands in Terminal App to trust the certificates:
Add one certificate into System keychain and trust it for Secure socket Layer(SSL) and X.509 Basic Policy.
security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -p basic -p ssl -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain <cert file name>
Verify if the certificate is trusted.
security verify-cert -c <cert file name>
Step 5: Configure Date&Time and DNS on Citrix VDA for macOS machine
Set time and date on your Mac to ensure the time synchronization between VDA and DDC has no time offset.
Add DNS server to your Mac to resolve DDCs’ FQDN, or add new host entries for DDCs into
. -
Verify if the DNS configuration and Certificates are correctly set up
curl -w "\nStatus code: %{http_code}\n" -vI https://<FQDN of On-Premises Delivery Controllers>
Before proceeding to the next step, ensure that the curl command output ends with the message: Status code: 200.
If the status code is not 200, you may need to check the following points:
- Check the certificate, you can also find the certificate information in the curl output under “Server certificate” to verify.
- Verify that the DNS server is configured correctly.
- Ensure that the time synchronization between the VDA and DDC has no time offset.
Once the verification is OK, other steps, such as creating a Machine Catalog and Delivery Group, are the same as when managing Windows and Linux VDAs. Go to Prepare in DaaS Management Console to check the detailed steps.
In this article
- Step 1: Enable WebSocket Feature in DDC
- Step 2: Create the Machine Catalog and generate enrollment token for VDA
- Step 3: Export self-signed certificate on DDC machines, and then install certs on each VDA machine
- Step 4: Trust the certificates in Citrix VDA for macOS machine
- Step 5: Configure Date&Time and DNS on Citrix VDA for macOS machine