Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops

Create non-domain-joined catalogs

This article describes how to create non-domain-joined catalogs using Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops.

For information on requirements, limitations, and considerations, see Non-domain-joined.

Before you create the machine catalog, you need the following:

  1. New resource location
    • Navigate to the Citrix Cloud admin UI > upper left hamburger menu > Resource Locations.
    • Click + Resource Location.
    • Enter a name for the new resource location and click Save.
  2. Create a hosting connection. See Create and manage connections section for details.

Using Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops, you can create catalogs based on workgroups or non-domain-joined machines. Creating non-domain-joined machines depends on how the account identity pool is created. The account identity pool is the mechanism used by MCS to create and track machine names during catalog provisioning.

Currently, you can create non-domain-joined catalogs only using the PowerShell commands.

Use PowerShell

You can create an identity pool for non-domain-joined catalogs using the Remote PowerShell SDK.

Use the PowerShell parameters, WorkgroupMachine and IdentityType to create an identity pool for non-domain-joined catalogs. The parameters eliminate the need to specify all AD-specific parameters including domain administrator credentials:

New-AcctIdentityPool -AllowUnicode -IdentityType "Workgroup" -WorkgroupMachine -IdentityPoolName "NonDomainJoinedCatalog" -NamingScheme "NDJ-VM-##" -NamingSchemeType "Numeric" -Scope @() -ZoneUid "81291221-d2f2-49d2-ab12-bae5bbd0df05"

All other commands used to create non-domain-joined catalogs are the same as for the traditional on-premises Active Directory joined catalogs.

Create non-domain-joined catalogs