Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops

HPE Moonshot virtualization environments (Preview)

Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops manages your HPE Moonshot workloads through a Citrix-managed HPE Moonshot plug-in present. With this plug-in, you can create connections to your HPE Moonshot chassis, create catalogs, and power manage machines in the catalog.


Install the Citrix-managed HPE Moonshot plug-in on the Delivery Controller.


  • If both Citrix-managed and HPE-managed HPE Moonshot plug-ins are installed, then the Delivery Controller uses the Citrix-managed HPE Moonshot plug-in.
  • If both Citrix-managed and HPE-managed HPE Moonshot plug-ins are installed, and you want to use HPE-managed Moonshot plug-in, then uninstall Citrix-managed HPE Moonshot plug-in, and update the RegisterPlugin cache.

Install the Citrix-managed HPE Moonshot plug-in

To install the Citrix-managed HPE Moonshot plug-in, do the following:

  1. Install E:\x64\Citrix Desktop Delivery Controller\MoonshotPlugin.msi. E:\ is the ISO.
  2. Open the PowerShell as an Administrator and run the following command.

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Citrix\HCLPlugins> .\RegisterPlugins.exe -pluginsroot .\CitrixMachineCreation\v1.0.0.0\
  3. After the plug-in registration is successful, restart the following services from the Task Manager:

    1. CitrixBrokerService
    2. CitrixHostService
    3. CitrixMachineCreationService
  4. Run Get-HypHypervisorPlugins to check if the plug-in is installed on the Delivery controller. The DisplayName field in the output must show as HPE Moonshot.

Uninstall Citrix-managed HPE Moonshot plug-in and update the RegisterPlugin cache

If both Citrix-managed and HPE-managed HPE Moonshot plug-ins are installed, and you want to use HPE-managed Moonshot plug-in, then you must uninstall Citrix-managed HPE Moonshot plug-in and update the RegisterPlugin cache. To do so:

  1. Uninstall Citrix-managed HPE Moonshot plug-in.
  2. Open the PowerShell as an Administrator and run the following command:

    cd `C:\Program Files\Common Files\Citrix\HCLPlugins\` C:\Program Files\Common Files\Citrix\HCLPlugins> .\RegisterPlugins.exe -PluginsRoot ` C:\Program Files\Common Files\Citrix\HCLPlugins\ManagedMachine\v2.5.0.0\`
  3. After the plug-in registration is successful, restart the following services from the Task Manager:

    1. CitrixBrokerService
    2. CitrixHostService
    3. CitrixMachineCreationService
  4. Run Get-HypHypervisorPlugins to check if the plug-in is installed on the Delivery controller. The DisplayName field in the output must show as HPE Moonshot Machine Manager.

Key steps

  1. Set up your HPE environments.
  2. Create a connection to the HPE Moonshot chassis.
  3. Create a machine catalog.


    Before creating a catalog, ensure to have one or more HPE Moonshot cartridge nodes and install VDAs on those nodes. You can consider the HPE Moonshot chassis as the hypervisor and the cartridge nodes as VMs.

  4. Create a delivery group.
  5. Migrate the rest of unmanaged HPE Moonshot nodes to the managed catalog or delivery group.

Where to go next

More information

HPE Moonshot virtualization environments (Preview)