Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops

Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops telemetry data elements




Key Description Example
ver Indicates the version of the telemetry usage event. 1
id Indicates a unique identifier of the usage event. d4ce7919-5d80-44de-a8fa-102923fe0ead
type Indicates the event type used by Citrix Analytic Service to identify cloud usage events. SendBrokerTelemetryData
st Indicates the timestamp when the event is generated in Broker. 2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z
prod Identifies the originating product and deployment of the usage event. XenDesktop.Broker
prodVer Indicates the Citrix DaaS/Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops product version.

Identifies the User ID to uniquely identify a user initiating the session launch.

fullName: C648FE671A44B3F7
upn: C7948FE671A44B3F7
userSid: C097FE671A44B3F7
tenant -> id Indicates the Customer ID of the Citrix Cloud account. For the on-premises deployment, the value is always “CitrixOnPremises”. joj1mh0598tj
dvc -> dvcId Indicates the device ID to uniquely identify a device from where the session launch is initiated. AE18C4D5
dvc -> dvcName Indicates the friendly name for the device. C758LH671A44B3F7


Field Description Example
appProtectionKeyLoggingRequired Indicates whether the session is launched with Key Logging Protection enabled. False
appProtectionScreenCaptureRequired Indicates whether the session is launched with Screen Capture Protection enabled. False
cspTenantCustomerId Indicates the Customer ID of a CSP tenant’s Citrix Cloud account. For on-premised deployments, this field is left empty if customer ID is not available. 6c2vtxgxyftt
isAnonymousUser Indicates whether an unauthenticated session is launched. False
licenseActivityTimeStamp Indicates the timestamp when the payload is generated. 2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z
licenseActivityType Indicates the licensing event type. This field indicates if the licensing event type is for assignment or release action. Connect
licenseModel Indicates the license model of the deployment. UserDevice
productEdition Indicates the product edition of the deployment. Premium or Advanced
productId Indicates the product ID of the product in the deployment. CAVDS
protocol Indicates the protocol used to launch the session. HDX
sessionKey Indicates a unique identifier for the session. uq390c5fc3-86eb-4df3-bd9a-f4a8fed2c9e2
sessionSupport Indicates the session support type. SingleSession
sessionType Indicates the session type. Application
ver Indicates the payload version. 1.3
workerSid Indicates a unique identifier for the VDA used for the session.The value is scrambled. 1E5LH671A44B3F7 (always scrambled)
isWindows365 Denotes if the session is launched for Windows 365. True
entitlementType Indicates the Customer’s license entitlement type. Production
siteId Indicates a unique identifier for the site. a35647d0-901c-4477-87e0-dcd781d455f4
desktopGroupId Indicates a unique identifier for the Desktop or Delivery Group. e9d859dc-1bfc-4b3e-bad3-41806bb4e694
clientType Indicates the Citrix Workspace app type. Windows
clientVersion Indicates the Citrix Workspace app version.
workerCloudType Indicates the public cloud type used for VDA provisioning. Azure
enabledFeatures Indicates the features that are enabled for the session. For example, in a session where AppProtectionScreenCaptureRequired and SessionRecording are enabled, the value of this field is 66. 66
isEvents Indicates the critical failures in . Unable to create ST Database.
heartBeatTime Indicates the License server heart beat time to CIS or Citrix Analytic Service. 1689058813

Scramble licensing telemetry data

Considering the sensitivity of information sent in the license telemetry, Citrix provides you an option to scramble the data.

The following table lists the data that can be scrambled:

Field Description Example

Identifies the User ID to uniquely identify a user initiating the session launch.

  • fullName: C648FE671A44B3F7
  • samName: C758LH671A44B3F7
  • upn: C7948FE671A44B3F7
  • userLicenseId: C265FE671A44B3F7
  • userSid: C097FE671A44B3F7
dvc -> dvcName Indicates the friendly name for the device. C758LH671A44B3F7
workerSid Indicates a Unique identifier for the VDA used for the session. 1E5LH671A44B3F7
AdminLoginList Indicates the list of unique admins SamAccountName {AdminLoginList: [UFMJ+JvXOTHO9mQDsOweiw= =]}

To enable or disable scrambling, run the following PowerShell commands on the Delivery Controller.

  1. Open a PowerShell window from the Delivery Controller host.
  2. Run the command asnp citrix to load Citrix-specific PowerShell modules.
  3. Run the following command to enable or disable scrambling:

    By default, the value is 0, or false, which disables scrambling of license telemetry data.

    To enable:

    Set-BrokerServiceConfigurationData Core.ScrambleLicensingData -SettingValue $true


    For a Citrix Service Provider (CSP) customer, the scrambling is disabled by default.

    After you enable scrambling, you can disable it using the following command:

    Set-BrokerServiceConfigurationData Core.ScrambleLicensingData -SettingValue $false
Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops telemetry data elements